Dual Wielding Gun Expert

Ace stood up from his designated driver's seat and casually walked out the RV. He brought out two guns, twirling them around his hands with extreme familiarity. He appeared extremely relaxed and indifferent, as though he didn't notice the Enrageds and Reapers charging towards him. His relaxed demeanor seemed to directly contrast the rabid infected that was coming to attack the RV.

Walking in a leisurely pace, the nearest Reaper had finally reached him. Ace's entire vibe changed as he went into action. Taking one of his guns out, he turned off the safety and pressed the gun against its head, pulling the trigger with no hesitation. Then used his other gun to shoot a different Reaper that was approaching. From these few actions, it was clear that Ace was very familiar with using guns.

After getting rid of a few Reapers, the Enraged had finally caught up and began attacking Ace as well. The stream of Reapers and Enraged was endless. With every infected killed, another three would replace it. Despite this, Ace's expression never changed and he continued to get rid of them one after another.

Ace's fingers never let off on the trigger as he ducked and weaved through the crowd of infected. He didn't seem to be bothered by the large crowd as he specifically targeted the Reapers, accurately grasping that they were the true danger. Every shot he took meant another dead Reaper.

This was a new side of Ace that no one had ever seen before. He was clearly a dual wielding gun expert! Completely opposite to his usual highly self, he had a cool, emotionless and almost leisurely expression that gave him the aura of a king, as though everything and everyone was beneath him. He seemed to have everything under control.

At that moment, a Reaper suddenly leaped towards Ace. Both Ace's hands were tied up fending off two other Reapers, preventing him from dodging the attack. Without panicking or even a change in expression, he kicked out just as the Reaper was about to bite him and planted a foot firmly on its head, sending the Reaper flying. The Reaper flew into the crowd of infected with a tremendous amount of force that didn't seem possible for the frail looking Ace. It caused a domino effect among the infected, knocking down a number of infected. The elemental Reapers who hadn't expected this indirect attack unintentionally hit others with its AOE attack.

Ace took advantage of this confusion to get rid of the two Reapers he was dealing with and smoothly reloaded his two guns with more bullets. Facing the fallen Reapers, he shot each of them in the head at point blank.

Soon, all the Reapers that had approached were dead, and Little White's Reaper vibe was able to scare off the rest of the Enraged. Ace indifferently placed the guns back into their holsters and took out a knife to retrieve the gems. Despite the intense fight, not a drop of blood or even a speck of dust landed on Ace. He didn't look like he just came out of a fight at all.

Little White also quickly finished off all the opponents on his side and ran back into the RV, seeming to avoid Ace.

Ace didn't react or even notice Little White at all. Instead, he leisurely went from Reaper to Reaper, slicing through their hearts with happiness. The act of slicing through an almost human didn't seem to bother him at all, instead it seemed to energize him. After slicing their hearts, he reached in to retrieve the gems and placed them into a jar.

He then dragged all the dead Reapers and Enraged into one place and poured gasoline over their bodies. Just looking at his frail looking physique, one would never have expected that he had enough strength to drag the dead bodies and toss them into a pile. However, he somehow managed to do it with ease. Lighting a match, he threw it into the pile of dead infected and set it all on fire.

Ace's face seemed to come alive with excitement as he watched the fire burn. Taking out a handkerchief, he wiped his hands clean and threw it into the fire as well, clearing the entire field of any evidence of the fight. The only remnant proof of the fight were the jar of gems within his hand that clinked with his every step.

Walking back into the RV, it was as though a flip switched and he turned back to the Ace that everyone knew. His expression changed from indifferent to one of extreme excitement as he quickly ran up the stairs. He stood outside Aida's room like a dog waiting for its master.

Aida, who had been meditating this entire time, finally managed to level up. She could feel power brimming from every part of her body and her weakened state had finally been cast off. Marvelling at the change with her eyes closed, she could feel that the electricity/lightning element was infused into every cell in her body. All her cells were singing with joy.

Finally coming out of meditation and her closed off state, she opened her eyes to find that she was completely drenched and a foul smell was coming from her body. Looking down, she saw that her skin was covered in a disgusting muddy paste.

Rather than being disgusted, Aida looked at it with interest. 'Hm, this must be the legendary levelling up and getting rid of impurities.'

Getting up, she quickly walked towards the door to take a shower. Opening the door quickly, it hit the waiting Ace in the forehead.

"Owwwww!!" he screamed out, while holding his forehead and looking towards Aida with an aggrieved expression.

Aida looked at him coldly and asked, "Why are you standing outside my door?"

Ace let go of his forehead and ran closer to Aida, not at all minding the foul stench coming from her, "Master, I came to give you an update. You created a loud noise and a lot of Reapers came, fortunately Little White was able to get rid of all the Reapers."

Bringing out the gems, he shook them around proudly and said, "Here are the gems!"

Aida took one look at it and turned to take a shower, waving him off. Ace didn't mind at all and went back downstairs to continue to stare at his laptop. It was as though the previous Ace who killed all the Reapers was just an illusion.