Healing Rose

With a dramatic downcast look, Ace collected his thoughts and began explaining, "Think of it as a transplant, the gem is essentially an 'organ' that is being implanted into a person. In the case of an organ transplant, the probability of rejection is based on blood type and is caused by the body's immune system rejecting the organ. In the case of a gem, the probability of rejection is likely based on a person's inherent personality traits and the compatibility with the gem."

Everyone nodded in agreement. Although they weren't doctors or surgeons, they had all learned about the general rules behind transplants.

Ace's head perked up again as he saw Aida nod along with the rest of them. "So….." Ace dragged on his words for extra emphasis, "In theory, if Yukio's personality is compatible with the gems, then Aida's blood will take care of the rest. In other words, Aida's blood takes care of the blood type issue but still requires the body to accept the foreign entities."

Light asked, "So then what happens when we inject two gems into the body at the same time?"

Ace thought for a moment before responding, "When changes are done incrementally, the body is able to slowly integrate the foreign entity. However, if you were to try to do two gems at once, it's like implanting a new liver and a new heart at the same time. The body may potentially reject the gems because the body is overloaded and cannot withstand the transplants. Again, theoretically, if the body is strengthened enough, it may be possible. There is also a chance that the two transplants could clash against each other and further damage the body in the process."

Everyone fell into deep thought while Yukio stared longingly at the two gems. He didn't understand the conversation very well, but he could tell that Ace was suggesting that eating two gems was a bad idea. Despite this, Yukio still felt a strong connection with the two gems and that wouldn't change no matter what anyone else said.

Light, who was most concerned about this, sat there in deep thought. Aida closed her eyes as she began to read through medical documents in her mind. Lucifer and Ace continued to think of potential scenarios.

They continued to deliberate for some time, but there was no real resolution to the issue. No one would be able to determine the outcome of swallowing two gems until it was actually done.

Getting up, Aida said to Light and Yukio, "This is your decision to make. I will support and help in any way possible."

Lucifer and Ace also voiced their support and quickly followed Aida to leave, leaving just Light and Yukio at the table. Yukio stared at Light with his arms crossed defensively, "Onii-chan, you can't make this decision for me. The gems are my friends and they want me to eat them! I promise it will be ok!"

Light stared helplessly at his younger brother. Even though Yukio looked soft and shy on the outside, he was actually extremely firm and stubborn once he set his mind on something, even more so than his twin brother.

Sighing, Light said in a pacifying tone, "How about we wait for a little bit? There's no rush to make this decision. We can see if there are any other cases like this before you try ok?"

Yukio bit his lip and stared intensely at Light, clearly disagreeing with his decision.

Seeing no response, Light got up to go wash the unfinished dishes. As he was about to pick up the gems, Yukio stole them with lightning speed and stuck them into his mouth.

"No!!" Light called out, eyes filled with horror.

The gems immediately disintegrated and a massive surge of energy exploded from Yukio. His pupils alternated between green and white as the two powers began to manifest in him. Yukio had been prepared for this kind of reaction as he grilled his twin brother for all the details beforehand. The loud boom from the RV had once again attracted more Reapers and Enraged to it for the second time today.

Ignoring his despairing brother, he ran up the stairs and burst into Aida's room. Dashing towards Rose who hadn't reacted to his presence, Yukio grabbed her hands and began channelling all the energy into her body. She made no movement to reject his actions.

Aida, who was in the room, saw Yukio's state and immediately knew what had happened. She made no motion to stop him as she knew he was trying to heal Rose. He had already ingested the gems so there was no changing that fact at this point in time. All they could do was handle the challenges as they came. It seems the sight of the injured Rose had a far greater impact on him than she realized.

Light followed closely behind Yukio and saw the scene of him healing Rose. He was about to interrupt the process but Aida stopped him, saying, "Don't. He needs to use up his power and this is a very useful way to do so."

At this time, everyone else had noticed the commotion as well and were standing by the door frame. Aida looked towards the people and began dishing out orders, "Light, you're allowed to stay in the room. Ace, you're in charge of getting ice. Everyone else, go out and stop the hoards of Reapers that should be coming our way. Xiao Ai and Little White, you both go help out as well. We have to make sure Yukio stays protected and uninterrupted. Be quick but stay safe!"

Everyone followed Aida's instructions with extreme efficiency.

Turning her attention back to Yukio, she observed him. His left arm was colored with a green aura while his right arm a white aura, his face seemed to slowly be draining of color as he continued to heal Rose. Seeing this, her expression abruptly changed and she pulled Yukio away from Rose, breaking the connection.