Variant's Encirclement

"Sh*t!!!" Throwing the representative down who was still laughing maniacally, Aida cursed and ordered Little White to go ahead of them and check on the rest of the group. She sent Little White who could travel the fastest to go first and provide support.

She then knocked the government representative out and tossed him into the backseat of a vehicle. Light also swiftly got into the passenger seat and Aida pressed down on the gas. The car zoomed off in the direction the RV had disappeared.

Aida bit her lip, contemplating. They couldn't have gotten far, just barely out of sight. She really wished she had her psychic scan from the system, it would've made this entire process significantly easier. It was not till now that she realized how much she truly relied on the system for support.

After a brief drive, they arrived at the scene. There were roughly 100 Variants that had created an encirclement around the RV, using their powers to try to break in. The RV was completely covered in ice. It looked like a giant ice cube.

The cars that had been following behind them were probably these same Variants. The government representative had probably been in contact and instructed them to approach the RV the moment it was out of sight. As they were forced into a corner, Rose probably determined that they didn't have the ability to defeat so many so she created this barrier to protect everyone and stall for time. Aida was extremely worried about them, but was also extremely proud of this new daughter of hers. She was able to create such a powerful barrier that even 50 Variants weren't able to break through.

Outside of the encirclement, Little White, Rin and Lucifer could be seen fighting in an attempt to approach the RV. Powers were flying everywhere. The Variants were extremely coordinated in their attack and defense. Although Aida's group was stronger, they were able to find strength in numbers and were slowly overwhelming the three of them.

Aida studied this scene from afar as they drove in. She discovered that there was a psychic Variant on the other side. He seemed to be able to organize the attacks which is what made this attack so challenging. From the looks of it, he could communicate directly with everyone.

At that time, the psychic Variant seemed to realize something and screamed, "Reaper!!" as he pointed at Little White. This caused all the Variants to attack with even greater fervor with a large concentration of attacks landing on Little White.

Everyone had encountered a Reaper at one point or another, so they took him very seriously. They had probably lost loved ones at the hands of Reapers before but were unable to avenge the death. Therefore, when they saw a Reaper before them with so many people fighting along, they charged forth to get their personal revenge against Reapers.

While Little White was a level 2 Reaper and significantly stronger than the rest, he still wasn't able to dodge all the attacks that were coming towards him.

Rin and Lucifer also weren't doing too well. In the short time, the three of them were already soaked in blood from head to toe from many different cuts.

Rin crouched down low to avoid most of the lethal hits, taking advantage of his smaller stature to fight. He had already exhausted all his powers from carrying Lucifer into the shadows so was forced to fight in hand to hand combat against adults who were physically enhanced instead. Fortunately, he had been trained in Aikido all his life and his opponents were all average people before the outbreak and had never received any kind of training. Otherwise, he would surely have gotten severely injured in the process and possibly have died by now.

Lucifer used his telekinesis to hold other opponents back as he grappled with another two Variants. He actually had a fair amount of success in disabling the Variant, but they would quickly get rescued by the others and pulled to the back before Lucifer could finish them off. The Variants were a lot more cautious around Lucifer not only because they were their designated target for capture, but also because he was clearly a trained special forces man. Everyone there had been briefed on his background so were naturally intimidated by him.

Despite all three of them getting pushed back, none of them gave up. They persistently fought to reach the RV, knowing that Rose's barrier couldn't last forever. Rose's magic was unprecedentedly strong, but she could only hold out for so long even if she had Yukio's support. There were Variants standing right outside the RV, slowly chipping away the ice with their abilities and they even started a fire to melt the ice.

At this point, Aida and Light had finally arrived. Aida who was enraged by this scene, leaped out of the car and charged into the fight. "Stay in the car!" she growled towards Light and Xiao Ai as she charged forward.

Light clenched his fist but complied. He knew that he would only add to the confusion if he ran out now. He felt responsible for everything that happened here as he was the one who came up with the initial plan. Anger and disappointment in himself began to well up.

Xiao Ai's eyes also dimmed as she felt useless. She didn't even have a body to fight in and had practically zero defense. She knew she would just be a deadweight on the battlefield so she obediently stayed in the car while looking out anxiously. "Be careful Mama," whispered Xiao Ai in a small childish voice.

Light snapped out of his dark reverie when he heard Xiao Ai's sweet voice. It was a reminder to him that he shouldn't be selfish and impractical at the moment. There was no time to indulge in his world of self pity. Taking in a deep breath, he refocused himself. Moving over to the driver seat to prepare for any kind of unexpected event, he closed his eyes and gathered himself. He no longer needed to use his eyes since his empathic abilities would allow him to generally sense when anyone approached.