
The psychic leader shouted at them, "Why are you doing this?! It doesn't have to come to this point."

Aida's anger grew more prominent as she heard this. She hates hypocrites the most. When they used 100 Variants to hunt down a group of children, they didn't feel that they were doing anything wrong and had no qualms. Yet when it came time for them to be placed in the same situation, they suddenly expected to receive mercy. What disgusting low lifes.

"We are only getting paid for this job." yelled a Variant who was still conscious.

"Yeah! We don't have any personal grudge and none of you are dead. Just let us go and we will promise not to get revenge." said another Variant.

"Please please please. I don't want to die yet," begged a third Variant.

All the surviving Variants seemed to have some kind of excuse for their actions and a request for their survival. They were willing to trade everything they had and all their knowledge of this operation in exchange for freedom. Aida simply glared at them with hate and disdain. They didn't even deserve a response. She simply wanted to shut them up.

Light, who seemed to be able to read her mind, immediately increased the intensity of his illusion, putting pressure on the remaining Variants. The psychic coughed out blood as they all succumbed to the illusion and began screaming in pain. Aida took this opportunity to throw out her electrically charged hidden knives towards the last 15 people, silencing them. A metal shard was firmly lodged into the psychic's mouth, preventing him from screaming ever again.

Having cleared the obstacles, they ran towards the RV that was now sitting in a large puddle of water. The ice had completely melted as Rose finally lost consciousness. Climbing into the RV, she saw that all three of them were barely hanging onto life by a thread.

Her eyes blazed with anger and self blame. If only she was stronger, this would never have happened. Her entire group whom she called family had almost been wiped out.

Light maintained his calmness despite encountering this upsetting scene. His abilities seemed to help moderate any fluctuations in his emotions. He walked to Yukio's side and carefully brought him out of the RV, using his abilities to stimulate Yukio's consciousness and forced him into a semi-conscious state.

Aida and Light moved with a tacit understanding. She had already stepped out and dragged a Variant over. Light brought Yukio's left arm out and his parasitic ability automatically began draining the life force of the Variant.

Aida dragged more victims towards the semi-conscious Yukio. After ensuring that he would have a constant supply of Variant victims, she went to bring her unconscious teammates over. Her heart broke seeing them unconscious and vulnerable in the sea of blood. She gently placed them down beside Light before heading off to the car with the government representative, Rin and Xiao Ai.

The moment she opened the door of the car, Xiao Ai tacked Aida to the ground.She was crying her bun eyes out, clearly traumatized by the previous fight. Aida patted Xiao Ai, comforting her as she continued to transport everyone to the RV.

After draining 5 Variants, Yukio finally recovered his consciousness. He almost passed out in shock when he saw the limbless, screaming Variants beside him. Fortunately, Light's presence and influence allowed him to relax. He noticed the shrivelled bodies scattered around him and knew what was going on.

At first, he was reluctant to continue draining them as they were human lives with true consciousness. However, after seeing the state that his family members were in, he steeled his heart and began absorbing their life force without mercy. Those Variants had tried their hardest to kill them, he would gladly return the favor. Light and Aida also made it easier for Yukio to do so by sealing their vocal cords, preventing them from begging.

After Yukio had recovered enough, he began returning life force to his teammates. The first person to receive healing was Ace. Although he didn't do any fighting, he had offered up practically all his life force during this fight despite being the weakest amongst the group. He was closest to the brink of death.

He appeared sickly and withered as he lay there, unconscious. It was hard not to pity him a little. Aida also felt slightly guilty for having dragged him into this whole mess. Her original idea was to just have him leave with the other humans at the airport and wash her hands of him. Yet, somehow he ended up being the one to save her when she was being turned into a Variant and had stayed with her up till this point. Despite this, she still stood firm behind the idea of leaving him as a human and sending him back. She believed that he wasn't suited for a life full of fighting, killing and being on the run.

After Ace had recovered his life force, Yukio moved onto Rose who had overdrawn her powers and life force. She wasn't in much better condition. Yukio patiently guided the energy into her system. He intended to continue to heal her after all this was over to ensure that she didn't have any residual damage from having overdrawn and from aggregating too much impurities from the gems.

Following that was Lucifer, Little White, Rin, Light. Aida brought each of them and placed them onto a bed after they had been healed by Yukio, allowing them to rest their weary minds.

Once Light was healed, he finally couldn't hold onto his consciousness anymore. Light smiled and said to Aida, "I'll leave everything else to you." Then he fell unconscious, succumbing to the fever induced by the infection. Aida carefully brought him into the chilly RV and set him on the bed before heading back downstairs to accompany Yukio.

With Light falling unconscious, the remaining Variants had woken up from the illusions that they were put under. Much to their despair, waking up only placed them in a new hell. One where they were in extreme pain and a state of limblessness. The pain from having their nerves directly stimulated with electricity was equally as bad as having their souls burned. One was an intangible pain while this was a very tangible pain. They were in so much agony, they didn't even have time to hate the perpetrators.