Reforming the Base

"Do you feel satisfied with the man's punishment?" asked Aida.

Rose nodded in confirmation. She was happy to see the bad guy was dead and couldn't hurt anyone else anymore.

Smiling, she patted her head. "Next, we will clean up this base so that even those people from the slums and your little classmate can live like a human being okay?"

Rose nodded her head again. In her eyes, Aida was all powerful and could achieve anything.

Soon, there were four men, who were the sub-leaders of the base, standing before her with mixed expressions, some were cautious while others were curious. They had already been briefed on their way to the penthouse about this new lady who had killed their previous base leader. This came as a huge shock to everyone there as they knew Gambling Gary's powers. All of them thought ironically, 'Gambling Gary finally lost a gamble.'

She tapped her chin, pretending to contemplate what to do with them. In reality, she was reading through information on each of the leaders before her with Xiao Ai and Artie's help. The first person she looked at was a lanky man with fidgety eyes. According to his file, he had multiple priors and was notorious for being a rapist. He was also the one who proposed keeping the people drugged. Disgusted, she immediately threw a knife at the man's carotid and killed him without an explanation.

Indifferently raising her hand, she waved for the man to be taken out. The tattooed guard quietly got up and carried him out before returning into the room. The other three men began to sweat as they felt her cold gaze on them. In their eyes, she had just casually killed one of the most powerful men on the base with a swipe of her hand and no explanation. She was both strong and unfathomable.

After a while, Aida sighed and leaned back. The three men continued to stand there without relaxing. Aida finally opened her mouth,, "I am the new base leader. You can choose to follow me or leave this base."

All of them looked towards Aida with wary eyes. None of them had been at the showdown with the previous base leader, but she had now shown enough power here to scare them.

Aida nodded and began informing them about her plans to break into City M and her orders. "My intention is to reform Green Base."

"Number one, I will not tolerate rape or drugs in this base. I want you to gather all of it and bring it to me. I will burn it all."

"Number two, gather all people who are under the influence and bring them to the main hall. We will conduct a massive cleansing." She smiled evilly with a glint in her eyes as she said this, to which everyone there shuddered.

"Number three, there are no useless powers. You short-sighted people are getting rid of the stronger Variants in exchange for the weaker ones. You'll regret it in the future."

"Number four, we will clean up the entire base including the slums and find housing and food for everyone. If there's no more food, then everyone will starve. I won't allow for this disparity in lifestyles to stay."

"Number five, gather all the people and resources we have. We will be breaking into City M."

"Number six, learn proper grammar."

"Any questions?"

She was constantly monitoring their reactions with Artie's help. Artie had recently developed an emotion recognition program through building upon the existing code that could be found online. He was able to fairly accurately detect the emotions of a person and whether they were lying or not.

The three leaders who were still alive, looked towards each other and nodded. They were relieved to see that she wasn't intending to kill everyone, but merely wanted reform. As leaders, they all knew that her decision was the right one.

"Good," Aida said in confirmation. "The man over there will replace the fourth leader I just killed. You all can work out the details on your own."

Aida had long intended to promote the tattooed man. While he looked scary on the outside, it could be seen based on his treatment towards them and his reminders that he had a kind heart. Never judge a book by it's cover.

The other three leaders looked over to see a man with tattoos on his face who was shrinking into the corner. His presence was so small they had almost missed him altogether, he was clearly more suited to be a secretary than a leader. They were mystified by Aida's decision but wisely chose not to question it.

Casually waving them off, "Dismissed."

All four of the men walked out together to execute what Aida had ordered them to do.

Aida watched them leave with cold eyes and once the door shut, she asked Artie, "What do you think of them?"

"Mama, all of them were scared. It appears that two of them seem happy about what you said while the third one was displeased."

Aida asked Artie, "Can you keep track of the third one through the cameras? We need to make sure he doesn't do anything to catch us by surprise."

In her mind, Artie gave her a thumbs up and prepared to disappear into the internet. He clearly enjoyed no longer being confined in a box and constantly wandered through various networks.

"Wait!!" Aida called out to the fast disappearing Artie, "Help me send a note to the others to tell them that we will take a few extra days here."

Artie nodded cutely before dashing off into the infinite web.