Yellow Base's Biggest Secret

Lucifer spoke at that time. "I have an idea that I'd like to try out."

Light gestured for him to speak, they didn't have much time before the people on the base came after them.

"Gather everything tall and stack it near the wall." Everyone quickly pulled a couple boxes and buckets, stacking them.

"Climb on top and I will launch you over. Rin, you keep a look out and let us know if anyone comes near."

Rin immediately disappeared into the darkness as Yukio climbed precariously onto the stack of items they created. Despite the increase in height, they were still a full meter short of getting over the wall.

Lucifer sat down and closed his eyes, "Step onto the wooden planks like you're walking up the stairs."

He had levitated a few thin wooden planks with his telekinesis. Yukio took the first step and felt the plank slightly buckle under his weight but unhesitatingly continued to step forward and then Lucifer called out, "Jump!"

Jumping, Yukio managed to get over the fence and land on the other side. After confirming with the others that he was alright, everyone stared at Lucifer in admiration. He had taken his abilities to the next level. Once he got stronger, he could probably learn how to fly.

"No, no way I am doing that," Ace stuttered.

"Um," Seven interjected timidly at this point. "I have a way that I can help."

Everyone turned to look at him curiously.

Fidgeting, Seven said in a quiet voice, "I can float."

Light's eyes lit up, "Quick grab onto Ace and lighten yourself, Lucifer will control the movement so that you get over to the other side."

With that, Seven gripped Ace and began to float. Ace looked as though he was about to scream but chose not to in the end. Lucifer then used his powers to use the wooden panels to push them over the wall.

After they landed on the other side, Seven once again floated up and got brought back to the inside of the base. This time, he carried Light over the wall as well.

It was only a short period of time, both Seven and Lucifer were already drenched in sweat. Next, it was Lucifer's turn but Seven had run out of energy and couldn't continue floating anymore. He was so tired he couldn't even stand.

Lucifer was also equally as exhausted but pressed forward. Just as he shakily stepped up onto the precarious bins, Rin returned and called out to them. "They're coming!"

Distracted and exhausted, Lucifer stumbled and fell straight into the metal spikes. They cut deeply into his hands, almost piercing entirely through his hands. Sucking in a deep breath, the adrenaline from the pain woke him up. He braced himself and closed his eyes to focus.

Controlling the two wooden planks below his feet, he painstakingly rose and barely floated himself over the fence. He almost lost control midway and fell directly into the spikes. Fortunately, he was very well trained and had good body control so just barely dodged it.

On the other side, Light quickly caught him as he came crashing down onto the floor unconscious from the pain and dragged him to the RV. Rin dashed into the car, coming out of the shadows. Ace had already started the car and immediately drove off as soon as everyone was in.

Behind the wall, they could hear many angry shouts.

In the RV, Yukio immediately began to heal Lucifer. They sat on the rooftop as Lucifer was in charge of clearing out all the Enrageds and Reapers as they drove away. Light handed Seven a handful of gems, which he marvelled at. Back at Orange Base, most of the gems had been monopolized with Zero so he was fortunate to get a single gem in one week. Yet, Light had handed him a few dozen gems.

Next, Light went to comfort Rin. Light could tell that Rin was extremely agitated by whatever he had seen earlier. Using his abilities to calm Rin, he reminded him, "Breath, deep breaths. Breath in, breathe out."

After some time, the practically frenetic Rin calmed down. "Brother, it was horrible. Th-there were so many people being grinded into meat. Their blood was being drained and put into those wine bottles that we saw at Ronaldo's place a-and I can't get the sound of the bones crunching out of my head."

Light's eyebrows came together in consternation as he heard Rin's disjointed descriptions. It was even worse than what he thought. Putting together the information that he had gathered during their time at the base with Rin's description, he finally understood what the big secret at Yellow Base was.

They were practicing cannibalism.

This was a serious issue both from a practical and from a moral standpoint. Aida had long warned Light and the others about the dangers of stepping over that moral line. Once crossed, one can never return. It was a dangerous path to go down and should not be allowed to exist even in apocalyptic times.

The human population had already diminished significantly, and people shouldn't be turning against their own race at this time. If they do, they should be deemed traitors. She told them that if they ever came across this situation, they should destroy them thoroughly if they could. If they couldn't, they should report it as soon as possible so others could destroy them.

Rin ran to the bathroom as Light was thinking and began throwing up into the bathroom. Light also felt sick to his stomach at the thought. This explained why Yellow Base rarely sent people out and just contained them within the base, why the women mentioned they all had meat to eat, and why Ronaldo's entire room smelled of blood. They had all knowingly or unknowingly became cannibalists.

Who knew the base that seemed the most harmless turned out to be the scariest of all the bases. Light shuddered as he used Ace's laptop to log into their shared site and post an update to Aida. She had to be notified about the change in situation.

They continued to drive through the night, switching off on Enraged/Reaper cleaning duty and making their way to the meet up point. They would meet Aida and the other base people there.
