The Organization

Soon, they arrived in front of a normal building. Ace drove no slower than 100 mph (161 km/hr) the entire way and expertly drifted through many corners which caused the man in the passenger seat to grip the car tightly and pray for his own safety. Fortunately for him, Ace was an expert driver and they arrived without even a scratch on the car.

Stepping out, Ace threw the keys without looking towards the man and walked into the building. There were many layers of security within the unsuspecting building. There were security guards posted at every entrance and exit on the inside, each person was decked up in weapons and wore bullet proof vests. Next there was a palm scan and an iris scan before one could walk past the gates. After that, one would either be required to have a special ID or go through a blood test to get onto the elevator.

Despite all these security measures, Ace was somehow able to walk past all of them without having to take them. The guards automatically bowed when they saw him and the security systems all gave the green light without needing to check his biometrics. Everyone who passed Ace would bow in respect. When he reached the elevator, everyone immediately vacated the elevator and allowed him to enter.

The man who brought Ace here quickly caught up to Ace and went into the elevator. He pressed the button to the top floor.

Ding! They had reached the top floor very quickly. The man bowed and gestured for Ace to exit first. Ace indifferently stepped out and walked into a large room.

There were many people sitting on either side of the room and a carpet that led straight to a throne at the front of the room. All the blinds were closed and the room looked quite gloomy. The decor made the room appear medieval.

The moment stepped into the room, everyone fell silent. They all stood up from their seats and bowed to him.

Indifferent to the reactions of the people in the room, Ace walked straight up the throne and sat down. His piercing cold eyes stared at the people before him as though they were all beneath him. Instead of being offended, all the people present had a look of reverence in their eyes as they only dared to look at his feet.

Suddenly, the doors to the room burst open and a young loli looking girl holding a teddy bear dashed into the room. Her eyes immediately honed in on Ace and she dashed towards him. Her speed was so great it even looked like teleportation. "Ares!!"

The people in the room also noticed the young loli's presence and shouted in unison, "We greet second-in-command Enyo!"

Enyo's appearance was comparable to that of Aida's and Rose's. It was a face that could melt the hearts of anyone who saw it. She also had a considerably warmer vibe than Aida or Rose.

Ace merely looked coldly towards the approaching Enyo, indifferent to her beauty. He reached a hand out and Enyo immediately halted before his hand. She immediately pouted. "Why are you stopping me Ares? We haven't seen each other in so long, don't you miss me? Enyo has been so worried about you."

"Scram." There was no change in tone or inflection in Ace's voice at all.

Not bothered by Ace/Ares' cold tone, she simply continued to grumble. "If you hadn't been chasing that wretched woman, you wouldn't have been gone that long."

Finally, Ace reacted. His eyes turned red again as he grabbed Enyo and lifted her up by the neck. "Don't you dare speak of her again. Get out of my sight before I kill you."

He threw her off to the side and directed his attention to a man sitting in the crowd. "You have me here. What do you want?"

The man stood up and bowed towards Ace. "Master, the situation is changing rapidly since this outbreak and we need you to lead us." If Aida and Xiao Ai were here, they would immediately recognize this man. It was Aida's former master!

"Not interested."

"We beg you. If not, we will be forced to take action." The man gave a suggestive look towards Ace.

Ace tapped the throne methodically with his fingers. The sound echoed through the entire room, making it the focus. He then asked in his cold, flat tone, "Are you threatening me?"

"We wouldn't dare. However, I will repeat, we need you." Bowed the man.

Following his example, everyone also bowed their heads and repeated, "We need you."

There was a quiet pause before Ace let out an eerie laugh. He suddenly disappeared from his seat and landed right in the middle of the bowing people. Going on rampage, he fought every person in the room until he was the only one left standing. None of the people dared to fight back or even defend themselves.

After the round of beatings, Ace walked out of the room and left them all with one word. "Fine."

Everyone in the room got into a kneeling position as they bowed and thanked him wholeheartedly as Ace left indifferently.

At the door, there was an attendant standing there. As if anticipating the need, he raised his arms and offered a wet towel to Ace who took it to clean his hands from the filth. He stepped back into the elevator and headed to another floor. Clearly he was familiar with the building's layout.

Enyo, who had been sent crashing into the wall earlier on, sprung up as though she had never been hurt. Unlike the cute and innocent look she had presented Ace, her eyes were now contorted and angry as she muttered under her breath. "I'm going to kill that b*tch. Ares would never have abandoned me otherwise."

From this previous interaction, it could be seen that Ace was the leader of the organization that Aida was betrayed and hunted by!