Evil Bun

Having experienced this before, Ace had braced himself and didn't fall back. But Enyo, who hadn't expected this amount of power to fly towards her all of a sudden, flew back and hit the wall again. Cracks could be seen against the cement wall as she fell unconscious.

Xiao Ai blinked sleepily as she opened her wide eyes and saw Ace, "Eh~ Doggy, what are you doing here?" She asked in her childish, innocent voice.

Ace, who had been covered in killing intent and anger a moment ago, returned to the Ace that Aida knew. He ran up to Xiao Ai and said anxiously, "Go save your mother! She's in danger?"

"Eh? Mama's in danger?" Xiao Ai's eyes widened as she began to check her systems.

Her eyes turned to slits and her entire bun body turned red in anger. She looked like an evil bun, gone was the cute and innocent bun.

"How dare they hurt Mama while I was asleep. I'm going to kill! Kill! Kill!!" Xiao Ai then began to work furiously.

The lights also began to blink rapidly as she took many surges of power from the building.

Ace stared worriedly at Xiao Ai. "How can I help?"

"Doggy, help me get more power. I'm going to destroy those people. I also need a computer."

Nodding obediently, Ace turned towards the unconscious Enyo as his expression returned to its normal domineering state. He roughly kicked her and she groaned in pain as consciousness returned. Looking down mercilessly, he ordered, "Get me more power and bring it to my floor." Enyo scrambled up and bowed in obedience.

Ace carried Xiao Ai out of the room. They stopped by the room Aida was in and he princess-carried Aida. He could feel that Aida was abnormally warm and feverish. Finding it inconvenient to wait for the elevator, he subtly frowned and decisively took the stairs.

Xiao Ai completely ignored Ace's actions and focused on her Mama. She was still as red as an apple and had her eyes closed. As Ace brought Xiao Ai into his private room, he carefully placed Aida onto the couch nearby and easily picked up the table he had previously flipped. Rearranging the monitor and keyboard, he brought Xiao Ai over.

Typing on the keyboard, he told Xiao Ai all the passcodes and gave her access to everything. In the age of the internet, this was the greatest form of trust. Not minding it at all, he simply sat besides her and watched anxiously as the true battle began.

Being too preoccupied, Xiao Ai didn't even respond and continued her invisible battle. All the monitors lit up with various lines of code and Xiao Ai's bun signature appeared every now and then.

Internally, Xiao Ai was having a great battle. The moment she woke up and heard Ace tell her that her Mama was in trouble, she realized her greatest fear had occurred. She had previously told her Mama that it was okay for her and Artie to be connected to the internet because she was the ultimate firewall.

However, after she fell unconscious, someone had taken advantage of this time to attack her Mama and her younger brother! They had sent a deadly virus into Aida and it began to destroy everything in sight. It was a very critical situation. If Aida was damaged by this virus, her consciousness would turn into a vegetable for the rest of her life. She was now mostly integrated with the system so if the system were destroyed, she would be as well.

Aida had felt the headache in the car because the virus had gotten through the initial firewall that Xiao Ai created just in case. She then fell unconscious because that was her consciousness actively protecting her from the dangers of the virus. Effectively, attempting to shut down the entire system as a way to keep anything foreign from entering. This is much like pulling the plug to the internet and shutting down a computer to prevent a hacker from breaking in.

Unfortunately, Aida had reacted too late and Artie wasn't able to protect the two of them completely. The virus managed to lock onto their position and were constantly trying to break in. Beads of sweat could be seen falling from Aida as her mind was being slowly overtaken by the virus.

When Ace had noticed the network, he immediately realized that it had something to do with Aida. He was actively trying to fight against the virus and prevent it from hurting Aida's consciousness. Despite his efforts, he only managed to re-route the attacks and send the virus on a wild goose chase. Just as hopelessness was about to overcome him, he recalled that wherever Aida was, Xiao Ai would always be there as well. Xiao Ai would surely be able to help overcome this situation. Fortunately, he was right.

Inside Aida's consciousness, Xiao Ai was at the gate beating back the viruses. "Hmph! You dare hurt my Mama on my turf?! I will beat your asses and send you back to where you came from!"

Waves and waves of data came crashing towards Xiao Ai, the virus looked as vast as the ocean but Xiao Ai wasn't at all intimidated. "Hmph! If you want to compare size, I'll compare size with you!"

In the real world, she shouted to Ace, "More power!"

Enyo had already enabled the entire organization to send up more power. Ace plugged a number of plugs into Xiao Ai and she almost looked like a bun with long hair at this time.

In the virtual world, Xiao Ai continued to grow larger and larger. Her presence became intimidating and menacing as she directly crushed the ocean of viruses that were coming to attack. Fueled by the endless power, she continued to systematically destroy the onslaught of viruses.