
I am sitting here at my desk, just thinking it's my first day of high school. There are so many people here we are all waiting for the teacher when.... this guy comes into class. He has black hair, dark green eyes, light colored skin. And everyone, and I mean EVERYONE was all over him, all the girls ran over the guys wanted to be friends with him to be close with the girls. And I am sitting here just admiring his beauty, he is gorgeous. Wait, what did I just say did I- oh my god. No I am just jealous of his looks, yea that's it. It doesn't matter even if I was gay, pfft which i am not of course, he is stright I think. I have dark brown hair, dark blue eyes, and light skin, my name is Kayden. When the teacher comes in he introduces him self and starts the role call he calls on the green eyed guy and his name is Adam, what a beautiful name?!?! I mean cool name, yea everyone has a cool name. The lunch bell rings I start walking and then Adam comes up to me and says "hey". So I answer but of course my nerves get the best of me "h-hey". He laughs, his laugh is like music it's such a sweet laugh, which of course makes me blush. He says to me " So hows your first day treating you". I tell my self to sanp out of it so I can answer. "Not bad could be better, but it seems like your was good everyone was swarming around you when you came inside the classroom." He rolls his eyes " yea don't even get me started that was so annoying there all just some fake people. That's why I am talking to you, you dont seem fake and dont just talk to people because of there looks." I blush "thanks" we arrive at the cafeteria we eat and chat. Hes really cool I found out that we both like anime and we both wacth "My Hero Academia". When we talk it's like we've know each other for so long. When school let's out we walk each other home, turns out he only lives two houses down from me. I get inside go to my room and think am I gay.