
Kayden pov~ I watch as Adam leaves he was called by his mother I hope he'll be okay, I start to walk away and I see this tall guy in all black clothes walking toward me I don't think to much of it at first but then he starts walking faster and he doesn't change directions so I turn slowly and start walking away in the other directions and I hear him getting closer so I break into a run and I hear him running after me, after a bit he catches up to me and grabs me and I try to make noise but then he puts something up to my mouth and I slowly feel my consciousness drift away. A few minutes or hours later I wake up in this all white room and I try to get up and then I notice I'm all tied up. I look around and I see that the door to the room is open, maybe I can sneak out, in an attempt I get up and the guy I saw earlier appears in front of me. Tall Guy "Where do you think you're going" Kayden "Why am I here, why did you bring me here" Tall guy " Shut up" he forcefully pushes me back and I trip and fall back onto the floor. Tall Guy "Looks like I need to tie up your legs to what a shame, there will be bruises all over your pretty little body". Tall Guy "I'll be right back don't even try to sneak out again". He walks away and closes the door behind him, just what the hell happened why am I here? for, did they go after Adam too or was it just me they went after, but why me what did I do? The man comes back into the room with some more rope. He comes and leans down next to me, Tall guy "You know out of all people it sucks that it has to be you, it's sad really you have such a pretty face and body" He looks at my face more intensely, Tall Guy "Your eyes are nice too" he goes to touch my face with his hand and I hit my head on his as hard as I can. Tall Guy "AH FU*K MAN WHAT THE HELL" Kayden "I don't give a damn on who told you to bring me here, but I am not just going to let you do whatever you want to me" Tall Guy "Hmph* Aggressive I like it, fine I'll leave you alone for now". He ties the ropes on my legs tight and leaves me alone in the room. How the hell am I going to get out of this, I don't know what time it is and I don't know how long I've been gone for, and I don't have my phone with me I guess that guy took it, would anyone call the police to look for me knowing Liam he'll probably try to rescue me by himself, but what about Adam will he try to look for me or will he call the police or will he not do anything at all. Forget it I can't sit around for people to come help me, let's see how I can get out of here. Before I can do anything the guy comes back into the room and says "Sorry pretty boy, but I have to rough you up a bit, your boyfriend is still refusing to do what our boss wants so we need to persuade". So this is what it's about sh*t I'm screwed. He walks over to me and hits me right in the stomach, I wince in pain, then he goes for my face and when I try to dodge it his fist just lands right on my eye he hits me again on my side this time and with the pain I fall sideways on the ground and he hits my face again and this time he doesn't miss and he knocks me out. I wake up a while later and I try to sit up but I wince because of all the hits I took earlier, I should have tried to doge more but shocked that the reason behind this is because of Adams family business his mother probably brought me here so that he would have a reason to go back and do the business. Well that probably means that he will leave to help me but I feel like I'm not going to be okay even after he leaves and if I am how am I going to live without him, just got my memory back and we just made up and our relationship is stronger now because we talked. All that will be for nothing and what if I won't be able to contact him after to, he's the only one I've ever liked the only one I've ever loved, it's not like I can just get over him damn I have to get out of here but how I'm tied up and in pain because of that guy oh yea he's here to how great. At that moment he comes into the room I groan, Tall Guy "Oh good your up, you look horrible" Kayden "No thanks to you" Tall Guy "What can I say, I'm getting really well paid for this, it's unfortunate it has to be you, such a pretty face going to waste" Kayden "Am I going to be let go" Tall Guy "Honestly I would tell you yes, but come on do you really think so probably not" I sit up, Kayden "So she's going to use me to get what she wants and then kill me or keeping using me just in case Adam slips up?" Tall Guy "That's what I think" Kayden "Can you untie me" Tall Guy "What?" Kayden "*Sighs* Can.You.Untie.Me.Now. Did you understand now?" Tall Guy "It's not that I didn't understand you, but I can't do that" Kayden "*Sighs* How disappointing I'm here just sitting on the floor and I'm bored if you untied me we could have done some things but I guess you don't want to oh well" Tall Guy "Hmmmmm* What type of things are you suggesting" Kayden "Oh you know the usual, just casual f*ck no feelings" Tall Guy "Mmmm, Very tempting, let's do it". He closes the door and starts untying me. Kayden mind "Wow, this guy is dumb, like hell I would let him do that he's a preveted old ass man, and I have a boyfrined I entend to let him be my first". He finishes untying me and I stand and he asks me "You sure you want me to do this, I'm not going to be easy on you" Kaydens mind "I didn't want to do this but I need him distracted". I grab his neck and bring his face to mine and I kiss him, he kisses me back pinning me on the wall I open my eyes and look at his side and see that he has a knife he kisses me on my neck and I shiver in disgust, I grab the knife slowly and stab his leg as hard as I can. He screams and says "THE F*CK MAN THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU" Kayden "Like hell I would let you f*ck me you damn ugly ass old man, and learn how to brush your teeth damn!" I walk over to him and grab the knife out of his leg and he yelps. Kayden "You know, should I make it so you can never have kids I can just stab you there and I'll help out any woman that you try to take advantage of" I kneel down next to him and he says "Please please no I beg you please don't do that" Kayden "Oh? But why not, it'd be so much fun" Tall Guy "Please no you can go I won't tell" Kayden "I was already planning on leaving, you thought I was going to sit here with you *pfft* Yea no thanks and your telling me you were going to say something before, hmmm, maybe I should stab you there for fun and punishment and then in the arm because you kissed me with your nasty ass mouth" He starts to cry "I beg you I'm sorry I'm sorry, I just couldn't help myself" Kayden "As you said before "How unfortunate" well I take it into consideration" Tall Guy "Thank you thank you" Kayden "I never said I wasn't going to do it" He looks at me with a shocked look and I grin, Kayden "Look at how pathetic you look now, and you see all these bruises you put on me your lucky I don't beat you till you bleed" I jab my finger into the place where I stabbed him and he screams loudly, Kayden "Your lucky this is the only thing I'll do to you" I grab the ropes and tie him up tightly and then he says "Do you even know the way back" Kayden "How could I, I don't even know where I am but that's alright, how about you come with me, and if you try anything I'll stab you again" Tall Guy "O-ok" I untie his legs but leave his arms tied he gets up and groans in pain. Kayden "Don't try anything and don't even try running" Tall Guy "*wince* It's not like I can even walk that much" Kayden "*Pfft* Sorry that's just really funny" Tall Guy "Wow thanks, glad you're enjoying it" Kaydne "Yea I am thanks, now come on let's go" We walk out of the room and it's a dark cabin, Kayden "Where are we?" Tall Guy "Mmm, some cabin that the boss owns in the woods" Kayden "Are you a peasant or something" Tall Guy "What?" Kayden "You keep calling her boss, so are you her peasant" Tall Guy "No! I haven't even met the woman!!" Kayden "Mmm, Well I haven't either but I know who she is" Tall Guy "You do?! All I know is that she is rich and pays a lot of money, how do you know her" Kayden "She's my boyfriends mother" Tall Guy "Oh wow, well that sucks for you huh" Kayden "Yea, but it's worse for my boyfriend" Tall Guy "Aren't you the one that got kidnapped because of her" Kayden "Yea but he has to deal with her 24/7" Tall Guy "True". We make our way out of the cabin and start walking in the woods, Kayden "So, what's your name" Tall Guy "Tod" Kayden "*Pfft, hahaha* I'm sorry but you have such a stupid name" Tod "W-well what's your name I bet it's not much better" Kayden "Mmm, my names Kayden" Tod "Oh, that's actually a really nice name" Kayden "I know thank you, anyways how old are you" Tod "26" Kayden "Oh your actually not that old I guess, but I'm still calling you old man" Tod "How about you" Kayden "Hmm?" Tod "How old are you" Kayden "I can't be giving all my information out to a stranger, so for now just know I'm in high school" Tod "WHAT!" Kayden "Got a problem" Tod "Y-you, told me to, to you" Kayden "*ppft* you know for being older then me your dumb, of course I wasn't going to let you, your just a dirty old man, I'm saving my self from diseases" Tod "WOW! SO KIND OF YOU TO SAY" Kayden "No problem, don't take it into consideration, I meant all of it though" Tod "Yeah I know".