doing the naughty~

Adam is standing by the door. He closes it and I sit on the bed that's in the room. He turns to me and walks up to me standing in front of me. Adam "Are you sure about this" Kayden "Yes, I am" Adam "We don't have to if you don't want to if your not ready" I look away from his face and notice that he's hard, Adam "What if I hurt you and-" I press my hands between his thighs, putting pressure in that area, Adam "*Nghh*" Kayden "It seems you want to though" Adam "*ah~* But-" Kayden "So do I". I pull his face down to mine and kiss him, Adam slips his tongue in my mouth, Kayden *Mmph*" we stop and I'm gasping for air Adam "*haa haa*". By this point Adam is over me on the bed, both hands beside each side of my head, I raise my leg up between his legs. Kayden "I'm sure" Adam "*Ngh*Alright". He leans down he kisses me he pulls my shirt off, Adam "I love you" he kisses me down my chest, Kayden "*ahh~" he licks and plays with my niples, my eyes widen, Adam grabs my waist and pulls me towards him. I look down and I see that he is unbuttoning his pants, I look back up Kayden's mind " I'm so scared of how big Adam is, am I going to be able to take it?" Suddenly Kayden feels a poke in his ass, I look down quickly and I see that Adam is putting his finger in me. Adam " It's okay, it'll hurt in the beginning but I'll try my best not to hurt you" Kayden already teary " o-okay". Adam inserts his finger in and I already feel so much pain, if it hurts this much with his finger I can't imagine how it'll feel with his dick. At first he goes slow at first, and he starts thrusting his finger, Kayden "*NGHHH*", Adam "Sorry, does it hurt?" Kayden "*Haa* Y-yea" Adam "Sorry, just hold out for a bit more, I'm trying to open you up so you'll be ready for me and it won't hurt as much". Kayden "O-okay" once I'm used to his one finger out of nowhere he shoves in the second, Kayden "*Ahhhh*". He thrusts into me with his fingers hard, it hurts so bad, I don't think I'll be ready for the real thing. Adam "You doing alright, I'm going to shove in the third, are you ready" Kayden ""*Mmph~* I-I don't know" he keeps thrusting his fingers in turning them slightly curving them, he gets to this one spot, and it feels different from the other spots he's touched, Kayden "*ahahh~* " Adam "*Ngh*". I look down at Adam's crotch and see that he is hard, I uncover his dick and start to rub it up and down. I started at a medium pace and then went faster when Adam thrust faster. Adam pulled out his fingers which were cover with semen, Adam " I think you're loose enough now" I release my hand while Adam grabbed the bottle of lube, he opened it up and put some on himself . I spread my legs wide enough so that it's easier to put it in. Adam " I'm going to put it in now, and just know you may be loose but it'll hurt just a little" Kayden " O-okay, I'm ready" Adam slowly inserts his dick inside of me, I'm guessing so it'll hurt less but it's just a long pain. I start to tear up a bit Kayden" are you in?" Adam " well..yes and no, i'm only half way." Kayden " n-no way" tears start to flow down my face, all this pain and it's not fully in. Adam wiped the tears off my face Adam " it's okay Kayden, if you want we can stop?" Kayden " no no it's okay just don't move yet" I try to get use to it inside of me, but it's weird and slightly painful. Once I feel better with it inside of me I told Adam to move again,it's better than before maybe because it was in me for a while but it definitely is less painful. Adam started at a slow pace moving back and forth thrusting in me and then gradually moving faster, it feels so amazing with each thrust, Kayden " Ahh~ A-Adam~" Adam places one hand on my waist and the other on my nipple. he leans his head down and start to play with it with his tongue and using the other hand that's on my chest to play with the other, with him touching my body at different places at the same time it makes my body feel sensitive which with him touching me makes it feel even better. Kayden " A-Adam~ I think i-i'm going to.." and before I could even finish my sentence I have already came all over. Adam rises up and sees semen over my body, he takes his dick out of me and as soon as he does he starts to release as well, both semen are everywhere you couldn't even tell who's who's. Adam starts to clean me with his tongue and it feels so good on my body Kayden " Adam you shouldn't mmph~ swallow it" Adam " why not? You taste so good. ( in a seductive voice) you taste so sweet~ i want to taste you some more~" Then suddenly Adam grabs my dick and puts it in his mouth, Kayden "Anh~ A-adam~ No I-its dirty" Adam "*Slurp, mmph, suck* But it's so good" Kayden "*Ahh~ S-stop". Adam continues and even though I told him to stop, I don't really mean it, it feels so good with his tongue touching it so amazingly. "*Nghh* A-Adam, I-I'm going to cum again, s-stop~" He doesn't stop and I cum in his mouth, Kayden "*Haa haa* S-sorry, spit it out" Adam swallows it, Adam "Why would I spit it out when it taste so good~" Kayden "*Blushes*". Adam pulls me toward him and kisses me, Kayden "*mmph~*". He pulls away and I'm gasping for air. Adam " round Two?~"