Plan #4

Adam's point of view- Adam's mind- "I wonder, when shes coming, or will she not risk her self like this again like she did last time, honestly, she should be more observant now, I mean, we got Liam back so easily." My thoughts are cut off by the dumbass, "Whatcha thinking about?" Adam, "How when I'm untied I'm going to beat your ass" Guy "Hmm, I'd like to see you try~ I bet you hit hard though, I'm kind of interested" Adam "How about you untie me and you can find out how hard I can hit". The Leader walks in once I say that and he says, "Yea I don't think so, he might be dumb, but I'm not, your not going anywhere" guy "Aww boss your so mean, do you really think I'm dumn?" Leader "Yes. Now leave, before I make you leave" guy "Finee". Once the idiot leave the room, Leader "trying to get away now huh?" Adam "Not really, I just really wanted to hit that idiot, he pisses me off" Leader "yea he pisses me off to, but he's useful" Adam "Whatever you say man". Adam "So whens she coming" Leader "Not sure, she said she was going to come this morning but then she received a call from your father" Adam "My Father? But father never calls her" Leader "That's not really my problem, that's what she said, though I shouldn't have told you that I honestly don't really care anymore so have fun with whatever you can do with that information, I'm leaving." He leaves the room. Adams mind- "Why would father call her? Did something urgent happen? I doubt it's about me, Mother would have told him that she has me doing something for her already." 

Kayden's pov- Were back home, and I'm waiting for a call from Adam's Father, I know he said not to worry and to just wait for the right moment, but I want to be able to save him now and I feel like sitting around like this is just making it worse, Liam was beat up by those people, what if Adam's Mother ordered them to do that to Adam as well? I don't think she'd have that happen being that she has a reputation to live up to but then again she doesn't really care about his well being either. Hours pass buy and I'm starting to think Adam's father isn't going to call, but then the phone rings, I rush over to the phone but Liam get's there first. Liam: "Hello?". I watch Liam freeze, as if he's scared of something, who's on the phone? Is it Adam's father, or someone else. 

Leaders pov- After a long deal of searching, I've finally found his number, heh, thanks to that idiot friend of his saying his name, and maybe also calling a lot of random numbers in the area, I'm pretty sure this is the one. I dial the number and wait a while, and sure enough, when I hear the "Hello?" I know it's him. Leader "Miss me?". Theres a long pause, and I was sure he hung up when I hear, "How'd you get my number", it almost makes me laugh, but I hold it in a say, "I did a lot of searching, what can I say, I want you back" Liam "Where's Adam you piece of shit" I sigh, of course he'd ask that, Leader "Can we not worry about him right now?" Liam "I know you have him, and I'm not saying shit until he's back here with us" Leader "You know I can't do that, ever since I lost hold of you my position here is kind of tight" Liam "I'LL DO A SWAP" Leader "Huh?", Liam "I'll do a swap, for the sake of my friend, he needs him, and I know what it's like to be there" that's when I hear someone else pitch in, "YOU CAN'T DO THAT LIAM", hearing his name roll off someone's tongue that isn't mine, makes me mad. Leader "You were in this game before, you should know that I can't just switch out people so easily as you'd like, especially not when I have her prized son with me" I hear him curse as he tries to think of another plan. Liam "Meet me at ****** plaza" Leader "Are you asking me out on a date right now?~" Liam "See it however you want, just meet me there tomorrow at one" Leader "mmmm, whats the catch" Liam "I guess you'll find out tomorrow" and then he hangs up. *pfft* does he really believe I'll meet him somewhere without any repercussion, we'll see. 

Back to Kaydens pov- 

Kayden "What did you just do? Was that one of the guards that held you captive?". Liam looks at me and staring at the phone for a bit, Liam "Were going to get him back, we'll inform Adam's father about this meet up and maybe we'll be able to get some information out of him, I'm not going back there Kayden, I'm not that stupid, I just needed to get him interested". Kayden "Who was it" Liam "Just, it was the leader of the gang that held me captive" Kayden "WHAT?! YOU CAN'T MEET UP WITH HIM" Liam *Sigh* "It's not like I want to, but it's are only chance on getting information" Liams mind "That's a lie, I do want to, and I'm crazy for thinking that, but I couldn't get him off my mind in all this time I've been back, fuck, now I'm hard what the hell, I need to get out of here before Kayden sees." Kayden "I know but that's still not safe for you" Liam "I understand your concern but it'll be fine, now if you'll excuse me, I have to use the bathroom". 

Liam's pov-   I walk into the bathroom and lock the door behind me, I'm such a idiot, why the fuck did get hard just thinking about him. He tortured me, yet I… that I think about it, other then the beatings from the other men, he didn't do anything to me, and he gave me food though I'm sure that bitch, didn't tell him to. Does he like me? Is that why he…in the bathroom. I'm disgusting, why am I thinking such things when he probably only did it to mess with me. 

Kaydens pov- Liam is taking a really long time in the bathroom, he's probably worried about having to meet that guy that held him captive tomorrow. I don't want him to do it, but he's right, we won't get another chance like this. Don't worry Adam, you'll be with us again soon.

The End!