
One month has passed since the rating game. Life was going completely normal for Sparda which was tremendously boring for him. He had nobody to fight with or battle with, he could always fight with Tia to pass his time but now she was not strong enough for him. Tia nowadays evaded his offers for a fight because she didn't like the feeling of getting beaten up. He was expecting that Ophis would come for a fight but she also didn't come. He was living happily with his fiancées. He didn't do the deed with Akeno, he was still waiting for her to turn 18.

Sparda had blank eyes while he was having breakfast.

Amy: Babe you don't look so good.

Sparda: No I am not good, I want to fight someone strong. Did you tell your brother that I want to fight him??

Amy: I asked him but he is busy with his duties.

Tia: I think Azazel was right when he told us that you and your brother had a head injury that made you like this.

Sparda: If I agree will you fight me??

Tia: I love myself as much as I love you, so I am going to pass.

Sona: Why don't you challenge Sirzechs Lucifer??

Sparda: You think I didn't try?? He always puts up a condition like I have to take his place if I win.

Akeno: So why don't you settle for a draw??

Amy: Believe me sister draw is not an option for our Sparda.

Sona: Have you tried Azazel??

Sparda: That damn fallen is no good always making some lame excuses.

Tia: You know what?? I think you are trying to find some new gods to humiliate.

Sparda: I don't do that, maybe a little bit.

Akeno: What about your brother.

Sparda: If I fight him he will lose and get depressed again.

Sona: You are a lost cause.

Sparda: But all of you love me for what I am.

Amy/Tia/Sona/Akeno: Hehe….! That we do darling!!

Everyone finished their breakfast and Sparda got in his car along with Tia, Sona, and Akeno and drove off to school. Amy teleported to Takamagahara and the maids resumed their duties. After 5 minutes Sparda reached school with them and parked his car. All the students again started their usual gossip regarding them and as always they shrugged it off.

Sparda was in class getting so bored that he wanted to die when he suddenly felt holy energy enter the town. The energy was so huge that it didn't belong to any normal angels, it had to a seraph.


During the lunch break, Sparda was in the cafeteria along with Tia when Sona and Tsubaki came to join them.

Sona: We have a problem.

Sparda: Let me guess, a problem related to a strong angel in town.

Sona: How did you know??

Sparda: Who do you think I am??

Sona: The angel came with two exorcists who are carrying holy swords, they want to talk with us. The angel didn't show itself, but he or she is strong that much even I can sense.

Sparda: So do you want me to take care of them?? I haven't fought anyone seriously for some time.

Sona: I want you to be there when we talk with them and please don't try to cause a war.

Sparda: No promises babe, if they get on my nerves they won't see tomorrow's sun.

Sona: That's fair, come to ORC after school I will be already there.

Sparda: Tia do you want to come too??

Tia: I will pass, I have a series to watch on Netflix.

After that Sona and Tsubaki left them with their food. After finishing their food Sparda and Tia to their class. After the school finished Sparda got up from his seat and went towards ORC. Sparda knocked on the door and was invited inside. After entering he found that Sona was present there with her full peerage and Rias was also there with her full peerage.

Rias: Sparda welcome, I am glad that you could join us.

Sparda: Whatever I was bored and Sona asked me to come so I came. A strong angel that could be real fun.

Sona: Please heed my request, don't start a war.

Sparda: I will try not to don't worry. So when are they coming??

Rias: They would be coming any minute.

Just as Rias finished her sentence Sparda noticed the angel near ORC along with the exorcists. Sparda could feel the holy energy coming from the holy swords but it was incomparable to the Excalibur he had in GOB. Soon the door was knocked and they were allowed to come in. when they came in Spadra was able to recognize the seraph. Her name was Gabriel the strongest woman in heaven. They took a seat on the couch in front of Sparda, Sona, and Rias. The exorcists were wearing white robes. One of them was carrying a huge sword which was wrapped by clothes. They took off their hoods and Sparda remembered from the anime they were Xenovia and Irina.

Sparda: I didn't expect that heaven would send Gabriel.

All the devils present there were shocked hearing that the angel in front of them was a seraph. They were so glad that Rias and Sona called Sparda to be present there. But the exorcists were not happy seeing how Sparda called out a seraphs' name. They were about to take out their weapons to attack Sparda.

Xenovia: Watch your mouth human. You are not even worthy to take her name.

Irina: You are wearing a cross, you are a believer of God how can you sit along with devils??

Sparda: Firstly I am a devil I assure you and don't threaten me, I don't take kindly to that.

Xenovia: Impossible, you are lying.

Gabriel: I am quite surprised that you were able to recognize me, and girls he is telling the truth he is a devil. I am here because of him.

Sparda: You are here for me?? I am really flattered.

Gabriel: Believe me I am here for you.

Sparda: So why don't we go on a date and leave this matter in their hands??

Gabriel: What is a date you are speaking about??

Sparda: A date is when a boy and girl go out together to watch movies, do shopping, eat food, and have fun that is called a date.

Gabriel: Then I would love to go with you, I always wanted to visit Japan.

Everyone was shocked hearing that Gabriel was ready to go on a date with him so easily. But it made the exorcists even more angrier.

Sona: Sparda please stop flirting with her.

Xenovia: Devil, stop corrupting Gabriel-sama or I will strike you down right here right now.

Sparda: With the toys, you are carrying??

Irina: You dare to insult our Excaliburs??

Sparda: They are just toys against me and you are insects.

Xenovia: I have heard enough, now die in the name of God.

Gabriel: Please don't fight, we don't want to cause trouble here. Girls he can defeat all of us combined without breaking a sweat. I just came to request Sparda-sama here that he lets us do our job here.

Xenovia and Irina were shocked hearing Gabriel, how can they not be. Gabriel was an arch-angel and she was saying that a devil could defeat her without breaking a sweat how strong was he.

Sparda: Gabriel please call me Sparda. So what is the job you are talking about???

Gabriel: Recently 3 of the Excaliburs were stolen by a fallen angel and he came to Kuoh with those swords. We want to find the swords and acquire them back, but we don't want the devils to interfere.

Sparda: Well you can do whatever you want to do, but like you said this is a devil territory so if we find the matter getting out of your hands I will interfere.

Xenovia: Are you sure?? Do you want to disregard church??

Sparda: The same church which allowed the holy swords project to be conducted??

Irina: Are you mocking us??

Sparda: Hell yeah I am mocking you. What are you going to do??

Xenovia: Are you declaring war on church??

Sparda: Believe me it won't be a war, it will be a massacre.

Xenovia lost her temper and was about to attack Sparda but Gabriel stopped her.

Gabriel: Did you not understand what I said before?? And I agree with him if you go war with him church will be destroyed. Sparda I agree with your terms, I myself would contact you if we need help.

Sparda: Do you know which fallen angel was responsible??

Irina: We believe it was Kokebiel.

Sparda: This is interesting...….