Everyone is SCARED

Sparda landed on the deck of the ship and started walking towards Hou walking slowly. Sparda was still releasing his pressure. It was like the whole world was shaken by the pressure exerted by Sparda. Sparda snapped his fingers and made a space barrier around the ship and separated the space.

The amount of pressure Sparda was releasing it was clear that none of them present there could oppose him. Pan and Guan were cursing in their minds thinking that they will die today because Sparda made it clear that he will kill their whole pantheon and they didn't expect Shinto Gods to save them because it was their side who started this.

Hou was scared of him now. All the arrogance he had a few moments ago was now replaced by despair and fear. He was trying to crawl away from Sparda. Sparda saw that Hou was trying to crawl away from him. He took out a sword and pierced his right leg.

Hou: Ahhhhhhhh…..!!

Sparda: Don't try to crawl away. I just want to torture you and when you are completely broken I will kill you.

Hou: Why are you doing this to me?? I have never done anything to you.

Sparda: Yes you did, you laid your filthy hands on my fiancée.

Hou: You can't do this to me, I am a God.

Sparda: Yes a God of soon to be an extinct faction.

Hou: Please spare me I can give you anything money, woman, power you just name it.

Sparda: Well not interested in any of those, after all, why would a KING be interested in an insect's position? Now please stop stalling I have to kill the rest of your pantheon today.

After that Sparda started to torture him in gruesome ways. The Chinese Gods were completely pale seeing how Sparda was torturing Hou. They knew that he was a God but didn't recognize him but they were sure of one thing that it was the day of their doom. While Sparda was torturing Hou all the Shinto Gods were looking away along with Tia, it was too much gruesome for them.

After 30 minutes of torturing Sparda was satisfied. Hou's body was completely broken, all this time he was screaming and begging Sparda to kill him. He was still alive but he was hanging by a thin thread. After Sparda finished his torture his eyes started rotating and changed into EMS. Sparda used Amaterasu to burn the body.

As soon as he died all the Gods started to get their power back. Sparda looked towards Pan and Guan and started to walk towards them. They knew that they will die.

Pan: Before you kill us can we know the name of the God whose wrath we have incurred??

Sparda: I have said before that I cannot say my name to all the insects I crush, it's too tiring for me.

Sparda raised his hand and a sword appeared in it. He was about to hit Pan when suddenly Amy and Tia hugged him from behind.

Tia: Sparda please stop, don't kill them.

Sparda: Can I know the reason for stopping me??

Amy: They were also the victims along with us. Hou was the one who decided to betray them and gain the position of Chief God in their pantheon.

Sparda: This is your lucky day I will spare you if anything happens like this again…. Well, I will erase you along with the region you rule.

Amy/Tia: Thank you Sparda.

Sparda: You don't need to thank me, I am not some mindless killer who will kill innocents. Now girls lets go back.

Amy: Sorry Sparda we cannot go back now, we still have some business to take care of.

Tia: Yes Sparda this is important.

Sparda: Ok I will leave you, girls, here, just be safe. And both you of I don't know your names, well I cannot remember every insect's name if you decide to take revenge for your fellow God come at me any time you want. Well ciao.

Sparda snapped his fingers and broke the barrier and opened a Garganta and stepped into it. But before he stepped in he kissed both Amy and Tia.

As soon as Sparda left both Pan and Guan bowed down their heads.

Guan: We know this doesn't mean anything to you but please forgive us for letting this happen to you.

Pan: We are also grateful that you still saved our lives.

Amy: Raise your heads, now let's continue the peace treaty.

Pan: You still want to make peace with us??

Susanoo: Yes we do, what he did he was himself responsible.

Tsukuyomi: We cannot blame you all for this.

After this, their peace meeting continued while Sparda was already home and found that it was completely empty.

Sparda: Where the hell did they go??

Sparda sensed their presence in an amusement park. All of them were there. Sparda decided to go and see what they were up to. Sparda snapped his fingers and a Garganta opened and Sparda entered it. Sparda appeared near the amusement park. He located them and walked towards their direction. Soon Sparda entered a café and found them eating and laughing with 3 unknown males.

They were on a date. They were not married that meant that these males were their boyfriends. As soon as the maids saw Sparda they froze. Their boyfriends got worried and started to ask them what happened.

Kelly: Sp—Spa—Sparda when did you come back??

Sparda: A few minutes ago, when I didn't find you at home I got worried so here I am.

Kalawarner: Please forgive us we didn't know you are going to come back so soon, we will go home immediately.

Sparda: No it's ok please continue your dates, have fun girls.

Martel: But we have the duty to serve you.

Sparda: So what I don't own you. Please continue your date and have fun. And guys I don't know you but please take care of them.

Kelly/Martel/Kalawarner: Thank you Sparda.

Guy1: Who was he??

Kelly: We work as his maids.

Guys2: Your master is really a cool guy.

Kalawarner: Yes he is.

Sparda returned home and turned on the TV. While he sitting in his house getting he didn't know how much chaos he has caused in the rest of the world. For the brief moment, he released his power outside the barrier it was enough to cause chaos.


Gabriel: That was Sparda right??

Michael: I am more worried about the person who angered him.


Sirzechs: I called this meeting because of the power we felt before.

Ajuka: It was definitely a God but it was unknown to us.

Falbium: It was the strongest divinity we ever felt.

Sera: But it kind of felt very familiar.


Azazel: All of you felt the power??

Shemhazai: Yes it must be a new God we don't know of.

Baraqiel: We need to investigate it immediately.

Penemue: It was almost as strong as our father.

Azazel: I don't know why but the power was quite familiar.


Shiva: That power was equal to mine.

Parvati: But how can we not know about someone so powerful.

Shiva: I don't know which makes me more worried.

Parvati: I will send someone to investigate.


Thor: Father do you know who it was??

Odin: I don't son, but his power scares me.


Poseidon: Where was it hiding that we never sensed someone so strong??

Zeus: I have no idea.


Neptune: How can we miss this??

Jupiter: I also don't have an answer.

Mars: I would like to have a fight with him.

Venus: Don't be so arrogant didn't you sense his divinity.


Amun: He is definitely stronger than me.

Hathor: But we don't even know the identity.

Atum: We need to investigate as quickly as possible.

A couple of days have already passed after Sparda caused this uproar. Sparda was driving his car in the town. Hw had a feeling that someone was watching him but he didn't care. A girl wearing an Anarkali dress was watching him, she had light violet hair and pale violet eyes.

???: Fufufu… I found you...