chapter 13

To the stars that listened and to the dreams that were answered ✨

  " Where the fuck were you at?",

Durango asked as soon as I stepped into the room. His sleeves were pulled up, sagging tie,hair disheveled. He looked stressed.

"Do not fucking snub me right now, Where were you at?"

"I owe you no response" I was going to my side of the room when he dragged me by my ponytail.

"Stop that hurts!", I groan.

"Do you know what hurts ?

"He pulls my hair the more.

I could see the rage and different emotions in his eyes. For the first I was actually scared.

" What hurts is that here i am trying to  do your ass a favour and all you can repay me is with this",he drags my hair again,and Everytime he dragged it, it hurt twice more.

"Leave me alone, you don't dictate my movement"I whine.

"Do you know your silly actions could ruin everything. It's evident you don't love your parents, cus if you do you'll listen but all you do is disobey. ", He shouts at me.

"Not true", his words were hurting me emotionally now.

This time he was no longer holding my hair , he had somehow managed to pin me to the wall.

"What the hell were you thinking?!",he hits the wall. In as much as I tried to hide how scared I was I was pretty sure it showed.

"Leave me alone ",i whimpered.

I was scared he could hit me, I've never been hit before. If he hit me I would never forgive him, tears begin to full my eyes. Damn, I didn't want to cry infront of him, I broke eye contact from him, looking down I continue to beg .

"Leave me alone for Christ sake".

"Khloe! Look at me!", he commands, Slowly I lock my gaze on him.

"Why were you with him?!,why were you in his arms?! Answer me!!". I gasped out of shock. I didn't know he had seen Miguel drop me off.

"I owe you no explanation", my stubborn ass will always.

"Khloe do not fucking push me to the wall!,do not fucking---", he hits the wall again , I look away shuddering in fear.i felt so powerless and weak ,and like he was so dominant over me at this point.

He touches my chin, It forces me to look at him. I try to turn my face but he shifts my gaze back at him,

"Your mine , I do not share what's mine"

"I'm not yours" I manage to utter breathing hard,maintaining my eye contact with him I say it again,"I'm not yours"

He places his hand on my waist then draws my body closer to him,I could feel him and that disgusted me. I didn't want anymore body contact with him

"The contract says otherwise Princessa, your legally mine and you know that".

With this statement I feel a new wave of anger in me because what he said was true. He continued to look at me with his piercing eyes.

"Never forget that. Till the one year contract is over your mine, so start acting like one. I bet you don't want your family name being dragged into the mud. Imagine what the headlines will be "Kerrighton's from grace to grass" that's cute"

"You ingrate"I spit out in utter disgust .

"You can call me names but your still gonna answer my last name princessa. I'll let you go think about what you want for your future and family. The choice is yours, you aren't even much of an asset ,I can always put the ring on another girl and still get my deal. But what can the Kerrighton's do? You answer that",with that he left me and walked out of the room.

My heart being very heavy ,all the tears that I tried holding started to pour. I picked my cellphone and dialed the one number I had told myself I wouldn't call.

"Mummmmm", I cried out ,at this point my tears were clogging my breathing.

"Khloe baby ,what's wrong?".

"Momma",that's all I could cry out.

"Khloe?, It's Durango right? What did he do to you? ,Did he raise his hands on you? Talk to my baby. Stop crying and answer me. I'm calling the police---"

"No mum, he didn't . Please don't call the police, he didn't abuse me physically".

"I hope your not lying baby ,cus I wouldn't even give a damn about this contract if he hurt you his ass is going to jail"I knew at this moment she was fuming but trying to be calm.

"No mum,I'm not lying"

"What's wrong why are you crying? What did he do?", The worry in her voice got me concerned , maybe I shouldn't have called her so late at night she wouldn't sleep well for sure,typical mum.

I told her everything that happened trying not to cry but I couldn't just help it, I was still freshly hurt.

"Mum I'm so scared of him", I sob. I'm so scared.

"Baby your going to be fine,these times will pass. I'm so sorry about everything,you shouldn't be going through all these. You don't deserve it one bit my angel"

"I'm trying,I'm really am to obey him cus at the end of the day I want the company back on track, I want you and Dad to be happy"

"Babe we are happy,your our happiness never forget that. I love you  baby"

"I love you mum", I knew I was her happiness, wasn't sure about dad.

"Goodnight mum", I didn't want to disturb her any further , she's clearly worried.

"Would you be around tomorrow?"


"I'll stop by. Goodnight baby"


"I just got off the phone with Khloe . I promise you Donald if one thing should happen to my daughter I won't forgive you"

"Calm down"

"Do you hear yourself how can I possibly calm down when my daughter just made a phone call in tears."

"She's probably being to sensitive ,you know Khloe".

"Too sensitive ?, You disgust me . If that man  raises his hands on my daughter he's going to jail, I  don't care about this fucking contract. You better know who's more important to you your daughter or your company"

"Ofcourse Kassandra it's our daughter "

"Then act likes she priority. I know these are tough times but our daughter's mental health is so important. I can't just imagine how emotionally bullied she is right now ,all because of us Donald ,I -"

"Babe, please don't cry". He comes over to pet me,"we'll be fine , everything will go back to normal like before".


Thanks guys for the support 💗 I love you guys so much.


kodinna 🦋