Common Knowledge

WARNING: [Do not use anything said or done in this novel, or you might find yourself in jail. Read it, and move on with your life.]


Mogart (Commonly spoken in Lower Plane)

Joran (Commonly spoken in High Plane)


Currency of Planet Yargo

Aether and Ducats; both can be used for cultivation. Meanwhile Aether is superior and carried a higher value. 


Days of the Week in Mogart

Mogu = Monday

Tugu = Tuesday

Wegu = Wednesday

Thgu = Thursday

Frigu = Friday

Sagu = Saturday

Sugu = Sunday


Terms that might be used

Lass = Young Lady

Lad = Young Man

Modor = Mother

Fader = Father

Madame = First Wife

Consorts = Second / Third Wife

Concubines = Unofficial Wives

Mistress = Lovers


Aesthetically Pleasing Ranking:

[The physique plays an important role in this calculation. An individual can be a 7 with just their face, but without the curves, they're simply an attractive individual. Those with 8 and 9 have a mouth-watering physique. However, individuals at 10 are rare to the point of being 1 in a billion]

1 to 4 Undesirable, 5 to 6 Average, and 7 to 8 Attractive, 9 Lucky dogs, and 10 perfect.

Town Level: 7 [ A higher chance of becoming the wife of a merchant or the Concubine of a lower household]

City Level: 8 [ A charismatic individual, has a higher chance of becoming nobility through marriage]

Empire/Dynasty Level: 9 [ An individual that stands out, can survive simply on their appearance, desirable among all ranking of society. ]

Continent Level: 10 [ The world is yours to play with ]