[Day 1]
Ash was jumping from ledge to ledge to avoid zombies.His weapon wasn't enough for the zombies.It was just an assurance that he will have a weapon when he needed to fight them.
The group chat that he was in was called Z Alpha Prepare.
It was form when he started talking about zombies on another group chat.It was when they decided to create the Zombie Apocalypse Prepare which was later change to Z Alpha Prepare because others started thinking of them as crazy.Though he only know one of them in person he was sure that he could trust them.He and Amber were in the same school while Jake and Zack were from different schools.
They had multiple plans made for the apocalypse ranging from the best base location to acquiring firearms.The plan right now was to meet up with Amber and go to Zack's house. Zack was the son a wealthy businessman. His house has a really tight security. From security cameras to a secret bunker his house has it.
Ash was now nearing the fire escape ladder when he heard a voice.
"Wait,help me!"the voice shouted.
"That idiot"Ash cursed.
Due the idiot's shout the zombies increased their pounding on the door.
It was Leah,the top student of the was one the most arrogant person he knew.It was a surprise that she didn't react when he called her idiot.He then quickly scanned the room.There were no cabinets big enough that could block the door. The room seems to lack any thing that could be used as a weapon.
"Alright but there will be a payment"Ash finally agreed.
"Thank you"she said.
"Make another noise and you can forget about me taking you."Ash said quietly.
She quickly became silent.
"You'll have to find your own food and things and you'll have to fight for yourself. Simply put your only following me"Ash stated.
Leah nodded quickly before he changes his mind.
"Now climb out of the window. "
"I- I'm- I'm afraid of heights"she said embarased.
Ash had to hold back his laughter.This arrogant girl who aced every subject was afraid of heights.
"It's your choice. "Ash said coldly.
Ash then climbed of the window.He was about to jump to the next ledge when Leah climbed out.
"Wait for me! "she said.
"Didn't I said to keep your mouth shut?"Ash said.
Leah really wanted to strangle this guy for nobody ever said to her to shut up.
"Now jump to the next ledge"Ash said.
"It's do or die"He said
'1.....2.....3'Leah counted in her mind and jumped. She landed to the next ledge successfully.
But her joy did not last long.The window beside the ledge was open.And a zombie was crawling out.