
The person who was level 17 had killed . She had killed a lot . But nevertheless , on the 26th July , 2030 , she inexplicably died .

3 weeks later , the reason was found , massacring the whole of the Australian sub continent . A beast the size of the twin towers was stomping people all over the place . It was simply moving around , but with a size that huge , every single step of it could cover whole buildings . It looked like the fantasy creature Godzilla , except it was much larger .

It's movements followed no patterns . It moved in a certain direction , and when it found anybody with equipment blocking it , it would turn to another direction after killing all of the X warriors that tried to stop it .

Later it was found that it did have a pattern . The pattern was , the location of the closest level 10+ X warrior . It was targeting them , and slowly but surely killed all of the Level 10+ X warriors on the continent of Australia as it moved around , unkillable and unstoppable .

The world mourned in silence as even X Works , the company that manufactured the most X Gear and X Equips was silently watching the massacre unfold on the continent of Australia . They all thought that the beast would stop on Australia , and not step foot on the other continents , because that's what it did for a year . It just stood in place , not doing anything , not moving an inch .

26 July 2031 .

The monster showed signs of movement after months . It was moving north , and crossing the canal sea , it was walking , slowly but steadily , towards Papua New Guinea and according to predictions was going to go through Indonesia and rest of the Asian continent .

At this point , the rest of the world was hysterical . If the monster could travel to Asia , there was no way it could not travel to Russia and America .

China was one of the hubs with the most concentrated number of X Warriors , just after Russia and USA , USA being the origining nation of X Works .

They made teams and launched assaults on the huge beast and after nearly half a year and the loss of over 70% level 10+ X warriors , they killed the beast , only for the survivors of the final fight to be greeted by something that seemed something from more like a science fiction than anything real .

[ Level 20 monster , Drako , has been killed !

Participants : 5,793,457 !

Survivors : 346 !

Rewards have been distributed according to contribution ]

Everything changed after the death of the monster .

Monsters started appearing all over the world . They appeared all around the cities and going out of the cities was almost impossible .

Like everything that happens , this too , had a pattern .

All monsters that appear will be 1 level higher than the lowest leveled resident of the city and would appear at most a 1000 kilometers away and would always appear in an open area at least 50 meters away from any human and at an interval of 2 hours .

The X warriors started getting stronger as more and more monsters started appearing .

The world was extremely chaotic and safety wasn't guaranteed wherever one lived . Being around stronger X warriors meant stronger monsters and being around none at all meant monsters could easily slaughter every human in that area and grow stronger .

The monsters grew stronger at the same rate as the humans . They could also kill both humans and monsters to increase their level and reach a high enough level to be a part of higher level hordes which become increasingly harder to kill .

The solution to this problem was found on 23rd august 2037 , the start of the Era of Magic . After enhancing every single page and the cover of a book which was at least as old as three centuries .

That book , when bound to an X Warrior provided him the ability to cast magic according to the spells written in that book .

The spells which could be cast became progressively stronger and start having larger areas of effect .

By 21st September , 2043 , many people started to bind with enhanced historical books to learn spells and magic , as it was discovered that the spells learnt from one magic book could not be taught to anybody else .

These books could not be placed just anywhere , so X Works made an artificial island between Asia and Antarctica in the Indian ocean . This island was resided in by the highest leveled X warriors as this place had now become a paradise for anyone who wanted to become stronger , because of the Library of Magic found here . This was also the safest place on Earth as here resided the highest level mage on Earth .

" And that , master , is you , is it not ? You are the keeper of the library and hardly ever go out . No way you aren't strong enough for protecting this place . " Said Grim ending his summary of the history of the last 50 years as he closed the heavy book in his hands .