3 Days

" Open Sesame." Grim muttered under his breath, all the while making different gestures with his right hand. He made the OG spider man gesture with his middle and ring finger on his palm while muttering " Why the hell not..." but still nothing happened.

" How did I do it ?" He spoke to himself. He had been walking by himself for 3 days, somehow not needing to eat, drink or sleep. But the loneliness was starting to get to him. He didn't find any monsters all along the way, and had gotten into the habit of talking to himself, just to make himself snap out of his fear.

' No monsters for a long time means one thing and one thing only. What is it, you ask? Not that they are scared of you, no no no. Monsters are never scared of you. They are only scared of their own stronger counterparts. The only thing to do in this situation is to run, because if the thing can scare other brainless monsters, it sure should be scary to you too.'

His master had called this phenomenon a nest. A nest of a strong monster. Monsters weren't all brainless. After a period of time on earth, all the while hunting others of their kind, they slowly gain intelligence. These strong monsters knew that hunting humans was useless, so they made their nests and scared monsters around that area into submission, hunting ones that are nearing their own level to grow.

No weak monsters would ever approach a nest, and looking at how he hadn't seen any magic beasts for three whole days, there was no way there wasn't a magic beast , what...

" What is the highest danger level for these beasts anyways..." He thought out loud standing in place for just a few seconds before continuing on again, not bothering to think of things he didn't know.

To his surprise, however, a red colored interface appeared in front of himself.

[ Magical Beast Bestiary Index.

Grade F - Normal Child.

Grade E - Normal Human.

Grade D - Adult Human.

Grade C - Trained Human.

Grade B - Kinght

Grade A - Conferred Knight

Grade S - Champion

Grade SS - Hero

Grade SSS - Eternal ]

' What is this? ' He muttered under his breath. He could understand the early levels of the 'index' , as the interface put it, but only till knight. After that he was just really confused. Wasn't he a hero also? How come he could barely think of going against a Grade C 'Trained Human' ?

Then again, considering that they had this whole grading system based on the level of danger for each magical beast, meant they had a clear training system for training whatever an 'eternal' was. He had, after all, had nearly no physical training for a long time. He had been trained to be a mage, with great memory and knowledge in the sphere of any and everything. But things had now went south and he didn't even know why but he was just walking in the direction of a mountain, through what could very likely be a nest of an actual hero level magic beast, like a madman.

" At least that magic beast doesn't want to have anything to do with me. There's no way I could've gotten this far without attracting the attention of the magic beast. If it is true that monsters gain intelligence after some point and magic beasts are even remotely like them, it may just be observing me." He muttered with a sigh and looked at the interface one more, before dismissing it in his mind.

He might not he been able to figure out how he used his fire bracelet, which had now gone back inside his tattoo or even how to use it. He didn't remember the feeling he had when he first used it by himself before killing that lion back then about three days ago.

[ Champion#047...

... ]

He did however learn some things about this place and the interface.

One thing was that the sun that hung in the sky, hung in the sky for as long as he could remember. He had an internal clock, which he somehow still could feel. It wasn't as accurate, but he could at least tell how many days it had been since he entered this strange space. In this whole time, he hadn't eaten, slept or drank once and the only rest he took was when his feet felt sore, so he sat against a tree thinking to himself, trying to figure out how to use his only weapon, like a kid with a toy.

Anyways, the real thing was that the sun here never set. It was always up in the sky. Another thing was that whenever approximately another day passed, he would hear a loud roar, or a growl, he could never tell, but it felt like whatever was roaring like that was calling to him.

The interface however was much more easier to discover things about. For one, he could remove any interface in front of himself with just a thought. Another thing was that he could recall any old interface at any time he wanted. He discovered this in the first day, when the interfaces kept popping up about people slaying beasts. After a while he just went ' Get rid of this.' and that's what happened. He could still see the number of the champion though.

' Another clearing.' He muttered as he sped up and ran towards the clear ground he could see ahead of himself.

When he finally reached there and looked up, he sighed and continued walking. The mountain was still far away.