Yuan Zuan's attempt

Then the three left the Mo mansion with the promise to come again every day.

Soon a week passed like this. Yu Chen, Xi Hua and Huo Zenghai went to the Mo mansion after school. Huo Zenghai and Xi Hua taking turns each day to ride Mo Kio's bike. Yu Chen walked with whoever's turn it was not. She firmly said no. Her exact words being, "I value my life more than any thrill. And I am not riding that death bike again." Some days, even Si Xia went with them. Sometimes to learn about computers and sometimes to teach Mo Kio business.

When only a week was left till the competition, Yu Chen was a bundle of nerves. This week had been the worst week of her life previously, moreover, Yuan Zuan used to glare at her always like she was definitely plotting something. They all completed the code and Chen was really glad to see that it looked better than the previous time. She had done a good job this second chance. The week before the competition dragged on and three days before the competition, Si Xia told them something. The four of them had been granted a leave of five days to prepare and participate in the competition. During the lunch break, Mo Kio said, "Hey Xia, from tomorrow it will only be you eating alone in the cafeteria, how do you feel?"

Si Xia: "You say as though all of you are never returning."

Mo Kio: "Hehee."

"Still, wouldn't he feel wierd not having us around? Having me around?" Yu Chen thought and sighed. She had accepted the fact that she could do nothing but fall in love with Si Xia. She was also not able to push him away, so she had gotten comfortable to having him around, even if only as a friend.

Si Xia: "Yeah, it's probably gonna be wierd tomorrow."

Huo Zenghai: "Only tomorrow?"

Xi Hua: "Aren't you going to miss us? Miss Chen?" On this sentence Yu Chen turned a light shade of red. But then Si Xia nodded and said, "Of course. It is going to be a difficult week without her." This made her turn so red that she looked like a tomato.

Mo Kio coughed, "Okay, enough with the PDA. What did you mean by tomorrow."

Si Xia: "Well you see, I won't be coming to school..." Yu Chen's heart stopped. "for a week. As I am going on a tour of the big companies for a week." Yu Chen let out the breath she was holding.

She had thought that it was going to be repeated, Si Xia not coming to school and then telling her he was marrying Yuan Zuan.

Huo Zenghai: "A tour? As a part of your business project?"

Si Xia: "Not really. As I had perfect grades in business and spoke to my teachers about starting a business, they pulled some strings and got me this tour."

All of them nodded and the rest of the day went by as usual.

As they went back to the Mo mansion, Yu Chen practicing on her speed and Hua and Zenghai trying to understand some difficult parts, Mo Kio came running. "There-there's been a prob-problem!!!!"