Lost my beautiful hair

Hua's eyes were now filled with sisterly love. She said, "Once I got to know Han, I discovered that he is actually a very sweet little boy who adored me as his sister."

Xi Hua looked at Chen with determination and said, "I'm not going to let him turn out like my father. I'm not going to let my dad win."

Chen hugged Hua once again and stroked her head, which had been shaved for the surgery and little hair had begun to grow. She said, "You did not need to shoulder this burden alone. You never will in the future. We are all with you."

Hua hugged her back. She pulled out the rubber band of Chen's ponytail and Chen's hair fell lose. Hua passed her fingers through Chen's hair and said, "The only thing I regret after this incident is losing my beautiful hair."

Chen: "...."

She looked at Hua for a long time and said, "What about almost dying? Having to stay in a hospital bed for three months? Having both the legs bandage Any of this ringing a bell?"

Hua laughed and said, "Well yeah, I guess they are the side effects."

Chen: "....."

Hua: "Anyway, I'm tired." She gave out a yawn. "These damn painkillers, I'm always sleepy."

Yu Chen smiled and said, "Finish these apples and go to sleep. I'll wake you up when the boys come."

Xi Hua gave another yawn as Chen helped her to finish all the pieces before she fell asleep.

After about half an hour, the three boys entered. Yu Chen was sitting on the couch of Hua's private room and was reading a book. She looked up and said, "Hey, how was your day?"

Si Xia gave her a warm smile and said, "Hii, good. It was....good. What did you do today?"

Before Chen could answer, Mo Kio came upto her and sat down beside her. He snatched the book from Chen's hand and said, "What he means to say is 'school means nothing if you are not there'. What are you reading?"

Huo Zenghai said a brief hello and ran upto Hua's side.

Si Xia pulled a chair and sat down. Yu Chen slapped Kio's back and tried to take her back. She said, "And how was your day? Oh come on, give it back!!!"

Si Xia suddenly took the book from his hands and handed it to Chen, who took it with a smile and stuck out her tongue at Kio. Xia said, "He complained the whole day that school was boring without you and Hua."

Yu Chen: "Oh, you miss me already?"

Mo Kio: "Of course, where will I find another pig like you?"

Yu Chen flicked his forehead. Mo Kio put his hands upto his forehead, "Oww. That's meannn!!!"

Yu Chen: "Yup, I'm mean. Bite me."

Mo Kio: "See, this is what I miss at school. The girls try to act like a little white lotus and will burst out into tears if you say they are mean."

Yu Chen: "You are really lucky to be friends with me and Hua. We are limited edition."

Mo Kio let out a laugh while Xia asked, "How's Hua?"