A dream of a dream

Pretty soon, Yu Chen found herself walking down a path. It was a strange path, she had never come down to this side before, but the path felt strangely familiar, as though it belonged to a dream, or a dream of a dream.

Yu Chen's interest was pitiqued as she let herself be led, taking unfamiliar turns here and there. But her feet seemed to know where they were going. Finally, Chen's feet stopped. They did not seem to know where to go anymore. But Yu Chen did.

She had come to an abandoned cottage. At least it was abandoned now, but it was not how she remembered it. Yu Chen knew that it would be no use trying to get in, because the cottage looked like it could and would fall apart at a touch.

Chen went around it and towards the backyard. Weeds had grown tall and came upto her waist. But she walked on and at last spotted it, the cherry tree that she thought she had forgotten but remembered so well.

Yu Chen could of course not sit leaning against its trunk, so she tried and with difficulty was able to climb onto the lowest branch. Yu Chen sat on the branch and leaned against the trunk. It was winter now, so there were no leaves or flowers, but Yu Chen could almost smell them, as though from a memory.

She closed her eyes and remembered the time she used to come here. It had been when she was heartbroken and had come back to the village to complete her education.

Chen had given up coding, her only refuge from her mind, and was living like she was dead inside.

Yu Chen tried to pretend to be happy for her parents' sake, and most of the times she succeeded, but sometimes the sadness took over and she felt like she was drowning.

Chen would be unable to stop her tears and run out of her home, hoping that her parents had not seen those tears. It had been on one of those unbearable moments that Chen had stumbled across this cottage. She had come from behind, and the back gate had been open.

Yu Chen had leaned against the bark of the tree, and let her emotions flow. She had cried for God knew how long, and had finally stood up when there were no more tears left. Chen had noticed an old lady looking at her from inside the cottage, but she had had no energy to apologise, or even speak for that matter.

Afterwards, Yu Chen came there to lean against the tree whenever her sadness took over and sometimes even came to meet the old lady of the cottage. The lady had never asked Chen about why was a little girl keeping so much cooped up inside, instead, she often used to leave little cookies whenever Chen went to lean against the tree. And would always welcome her with warm tea and delicious cakes whenever she visited.

Yu Chen opened her eyes and looked towards the cottage. She touched her face and felt that it was wet. Yu Chen wiped her tears away on her sleeve and climbed down. She then plucked some wild flowers from among the weeds, tied them, and kept them on the windowsill, where the lady had often left cookies in Chen's previous life.