This girl is not me!!!

Yu Chen took a deep breath once they both were seated on a sofa. She took out the two photographs from her bag and gave them to Xia, asking, "Are these the photos Sam showed you?"

Si Xia was shocked for a moment as he stared at the two photos in his hand, one of Chen and Sam sitting together, and the other of them.....

"Where....where did you get these?" Xia stammered.

Yu Chen shook her head with a sigh, "You really lose your ability to think whenever something's related to me right?"

Si Xia looked at Chen's face stupidly and said, "I don-don't mind....I...I...."

Before he could form his thoughts into words, Chen snatched the second photo of her and Sam kissing. She pointed to the one in Xia's hands and said, "Look at me in this. Look closely."

Si Xia looked at Chen's figure in the photograph. She was wearing a brown long sleeved t-shirt with denim jeans.

Xia did not have to look very long at the photograph, this Chen had been appearing in his dreams ever since he had seen this pic. A Chen kissing Darcy.

Si Xia looked up from the photo after a minute at Yu Chen's face. "Done?" she asked.

Xia nodded, wondering where this was going.

Yu Chen took the photograph from him and handed him the other one, of the two people kissing.

"Now look at this. And tell me if you notice something." Chen said as Xia turned his eyes to the photo.

But he could not do it. Though Chen had told him the whole story and he completely believed her, it was difficult for him to see this pic. Which clearly did not look photoshopped.

He looked away from the photo after a few seconds and muttered, putting a hand on his eyes, "Sorry. I'm really sorry but I can't."

Yu Chen groaned and cried out, "Oh for god's sake!!! I can't believe I fell for such an idiot!! Can't you see it!?!"

"See what?" Si Xia asked with a stupid expression on his face.

Yu Chen snatched back the photograph and said, "Well, it's clearly visible that Sam didn't photoshop this."

The sentence sent blades of pain through Si Xia's heart as he nodded. But what Chen said next left him thunderstruck. "But he didn't have to!! Cause this girl in the photograph is not me!!!!!!"

"Not.....not you!!!!! What do you mean!?!?!?" Si Xia stammered, looking stupidly at Chen's face.

Yu Chen pointed to the photo and said, "Of course it's not me!! The hair's a bit too clean, which means this girl recently had a haircut, whereas mine had grown longer and were uneven. The t-shirt and jeans look exactly like mine but they're clearly new and a bit tight. Look, in the first pic, my t-shirt is long enough that I have half my palms in them, but in the second, it barely even covers the wrists!!!!!"

Si Xia took both the photographs with a dazed expression and looked at them. Then he indeed saw that Chen was right.

She had a habit of pushing her palms in the sleeves of her t-shirt, which she had done in the first pic, but it was clearly impossible to do so in the second pic. And the hair, though Xia had not picked it up before, was clear as day now.