Getting ready

Yu Chen and Si Xia walked into Chen's apartment in the evening. Xia was already dressed for their dinner celebration and Chen had come back to change.

"Hua? Hua?!?!?!" Yu Chen called out as she hung her coat. "I don't think she's in." Xia spoke, brushing off the few snowflakes that had settled on his and Chen's shoulders.

"Seems like it." Chen replied absent-mindedly before turning to walk towards her bedroom. "Could you call Hua and ask where she went while I change? Oh! And feel free to help yourself to anything in the fridge." she said and walked in her room.

Si Xia whipped out his mobile and called Xi Hua as he walked into the living room and sat down.

He called out after a few minutes, ending the call, "Apparently, Hua and Zenghai have gone to meet Kio."

"Oh?" Chen's voice came from her bedroom.

Xia let out a huge sigh, "Yeah. She said her and Zenghai wanted him to be part of their happines too." "Oh...." was Chen's reply again. "Do you think we should go there too?" she asked.

"No. Zenghai said they would be leaving soon, he asked us to meet them at dinner. And you already spend a considerable time there." Si Xia spoke, his voice becoming a little low.

Chen's voice also had a hint of sadness as she spoke, "That's because I haven't got much to do. And I won't have so much time once I try to launch my code."

"Have you already completed it? Is my girlfriend about to become my greatest adversary?" Xia asked, trying to distract Chen.

His strategy seemed to work as Chen let out a smile and said, "I've almost completed it. Just a couple finishing touches, proof-reading and debugging. And then it'll be good to go."

"I'll never understand these computer terms. Ever!!" Si Xia spoke with a sigh as he walked to Yu Chen's bedroom door and continued, "Can I come in?"

"Yeah. I need some help anyway. Come on in." she spoke.

Xia strolled in opening her bedroom door and stopped in his tracks. Yu Chen was standing in the middle of her bedroom holding her princess cut dress to her chest.

Chen had decided to wear a platinum white, strapless, body hugging, princess cut dress. She looked like an absolute fairy in the white satin, or would have, if the dress was properly closed.

She looked with guilty eyes at Xia and spoke, "The zipper is stuck. Do you think you can give me a hand?"

Si Xia looked like he had been struck by lightning, as he stood at the door, staring at Chen.

"Umm. . . . . Xia? A little help here?" Yu Chen called out to him.

Xia seemed to come out of his trance then. His eyes darkened a bit as he walked forward. Chen turned her back to him, but was very surprised when Xia turned her around and took her in his arms.

He looked into Chen's bewildered eyes after a few seconds and whispered, his voice hoarse, "Are you trying to tempt me?"

Yu Chen immediately blushed deep red as she realized his meaning. "What. . . what are you thinking?!?!? It's not! I'm not!. . . . ." but she never got a chance to complete her sentence as Xia stooped down and captured her lips with his own.