Chapter 9

???- "Are those transfer students

???- "My they are so handsome."

???- "Look at his whisker marks are they real?"

???- " His lightning scar looks so awesome, I wonder where did he get

My eyebrows twitched in response as I heard the compliments of my two sons saying how handsome the two were and comparing and seeing which ones better.

To be honest, I kind of am jealous a bit, I mean come In I am the fucking mc, In all of the anime manga and fanfiction the Mc was the one who had the girls and was extremely handsome not the side characters. I was thinking this because my life is like one of those stories so why not base liglogicf of it, I should at least turn some heads right?"

Wrong, even the grown hot female teachers turned their heads to stare at them. inconceivable.

Harry, I raised right, Naruto he likely he sensed my jealousy and decided to act even cuter just to annoy me.

I tried to raise him normally hoping he wouldn't be like cannon but sometimes some things just are, like his mischievous nature.

Honestly, where did I go wrong with that boy?