"We will just call you after a week, thank you Miss…" she glanced at my resume for a second "…Freya George" and finished her sentence as if she was just calling a priority number for the millionth time.
I can say that it is my 7th rejection for this day, probably the 24th for this week.
The apartment that I was staying at turned into ashes after a candle was left unchecked by a roommate. That's the only apartment I can afford since I got fired by my boss for accidentally burning half of the important documents needed for our monthly meeting a few weeks ago. So now, I am walking down this narrow street like a homeless woman, so tired and hungry to go forward. Oh well, I am indeed homeless.
I spotted a bakeshop so I decided to buy some bread to ease my hunger. I didn't have breakfast this morning since I'm saving money because I don't know when will I stay like this, helpless and hopeless. I resumed walking, hoping to find another company or any establishments that are urgently in need of anything. I swear I am desperate right now. If someone needs a babysitter or a helper or a cleaner or anything, I will gladly accept it because I badly need money.
While walking, I saw a poster on the wall.
"Looking for an English Tutor. Call these numbers listed below or just follow the arrow" I muttered to myself.
"Okay. So now… what?" I asked myself still staring at the poster on the wall.
"I thought you needed money? Why are you hesitating?" I am sure, if anyone can see me right now, they will probably think I am crazy talking to myself facing the wall.
I am hesitating because I am not confident about this work.
I am not really good at teaching because I am so impatient. The last time I tutored someone, his mother nearly collapsed when she saw her son crying, answering the questions I gave him while sitting on the air. That is why I hate spoiled kids… and their parents… and their life. And yes, I hate it all because I never had the chance to experience it.
I am an orphaned child. I grew up with the other kids on an orphanage and I went on my own the moment I reached 18. That was a year ago.
I recklessly took the poster and followed the arrow.
I kept walking for I think 10 minutes when I found a house surrounded by closed establishments. This is a creepy place.
I was about to ring the doorbell when I heard voices shouting and a sound like rocks falling not too far away.
My heart started beating fast as my legs started to move on their own. The voices are getting louder and I can feel the ground trembling.
"What am I doing?" I muttered to myself. I can feel that my hands are getting hotter, every minute, and every step that I take.
"Oh my g---" I covered my mouth with my hands and immediately hid in the wall.
"What the hell was that?" I asked myself in a very low but very surprised voice.
I took another look to confirm what I just saw and I nearly got hit with a rock as big as my head.
I'm going to die here. These people are monsters. How could they do that?
So, I am here, hiding behind a wall, watching two persons killing each other with rocks and something dark smoke which I don't have any idea where it all came from. Like hell, is this a nightmare? Again?
I am just looking for a job so I can finance myself and here I am watching a battle of two unidentified creatures, well, they look like humans, but one of them is controlling the rocks and one is releasing black smoke or something in his hands… and I… don't… know… what to do!
Now my heart is beating really loud and very fast and I can feel that any minute now, it will come out of my body and that's the moment I'll die.
Another rock almost hit me but I was able to dodge it.
"Why am I still hiding here?" my body is getting hotter every second and my internal organs are screaming go run. I should probably run but my legs won't move!
I have so many questions in my head and I need answers! Who are these people? Why are they fighting? Why can they control rocks or this black smoke or something? Why do they have powers? Are they aliens disguised as humans? Why are they here on my planet? Are they going to rule over this world? Is this the end of humanity?
Why am I freaking out?
I have all the reasons to freak out! I am watching the battle of two aliens who will destroy my world!
I took a deep breath and watch them fight. I don't know why but half of me is enjoying this because moments like this one don't usually happen. And it may be my last day if my assumptions are true so why not enjoy my remaining minutes right? Right? I am crying inside right now.
I don't know who is good or bad here but I can see that they are both strong, compared to me, a normal human being.
Thanks to this wall, I was able to hide and watch them without getting caught.
"Why are you here in this place?" I heard the person controlling the rocks asked the other person who is controlling the dark smoke.
"I was just enjoying my stay here when I found a girl who has the power to manipulate fire" the guy controlling the black smoke answered
"Fire? That's ridiculous! You and your kind slaughtered them a long time ago!" the guy controlling the rock replied angrily and the ground where the other guy is standing blew up causing him to be thrown and hit the wall near me.
I hid again. I don't know why but my body right now is getting hotter than earlier and I feel like my blood is boiling.
"How dare you say that casually as if you did not kill those innocent children!" I can see the guy controlling the rocks walking towards the other guy who is still on the ground, unable to move.
I can see him with a long rock on his side, floating, slowly turning into a spear. I think he is controlling it with his right hand.
I can see his anger. I can feel his anger. The pebbles around him are floating, the big rocks are shaking. I can feel tremors as if an earthquake is happening.
He is getting nearer and nearer. The other guy is struggling to move. Our distance is just a few meters away and if I don't do anything like run, I might be hit with those pebbles and big rocks.
The spear made out of rock is now pointing at the other guy.
"Die!" the guy controlling the spear shouted with full of anger.
I did the thing I hoped I did sooner.
I ran.
I should be running to save my life right now.
I should be running so I can live.
I should be running before they can even notice that I am here.
But I am running in a different direction. I feel like my whole body is smoking out of the heat. I feel like my legs are moving on its own. I feel like I have no control of my body and it is moving out of its instincts.
I ran towards the guy who can control the dark smoke. I don't know why. I feel like I have to protect those who need protection.
I am the one who needs protection!
Before the spear could hit the guy, I covered him with my body. At this moment, I am ready to offer my life. How stupid can I be? Protecting a stranger?
But I didn't feel any pain, is this because of the adrenaline? I was expecting the spear to hit me but the moment I took a glance at my body checking if there's any spear stuck in me, I didn't see anything but fire.
I am on fire! I am burning!
The guy that I was protecting is burning as well. What is happening here?
Before I can even realize what is happening, everything went blurry until it became blank and then I collapsed.