Let it out

Adam's POV

I still can't believe that this girl I am with is the last fire element user. Everything happened so suddenly that I can't seem to digest it all.

I was sent to a mission to find her but I did not expect that she is real.

I did everything I could to keep her here because I am afraid the enemies might find her and kill her as well. But I think my powers in convincing people had ran out because of the energy I spent just to send her here.

"Where are you going?" I asked her,

"Home" she responded firmly.

"But this is your home" I said, hoping she will come back.

But instead of turning back, she continued walking as if she did not hear anything. What is her problem?

She just keeps on walking and running and walking trying to find the exit of this place. Maybe she can't see it because she has not mastered her powers yet.

I let her roam around the area until she bumped to Madeline Grigg. This is trouble! Madeline is known to be a bully and it happened that she likes me. I am not being conceited but that's the truth. She keeps on confessing her love to me these past few months. If she finds me here with Freya, she might be in danger.

I hid behind a tree not too far from Freya. I hope she will not piss Maddy off because I don't think she can handle her.

Well, speaking of powers, I think she has to let it out so she can accept her fate. Part of me wants her safe because I am responsible for bringing her here but part of me wants to see her fight and use her powers to know how strong she is.

"Who are you and how dare you block my way?" Here we go. Should I go and explain everything to Maddy? But she might get angry and hurt Freya. What should I do?

"None of your business." Freya answered. She's got a fang! I like her! I am laughing on my own here like crazy.

Freya continued walking and just ignored Maddy which caused her to pull Freya's hair.

Oh... that hurts.

Freya grabbed Maddy's hand and twisted it that made Maddy scream in pain. Seconds after, Freya is soaking wet when she was sent to the pond by Maddy's power. I forgot to tell you that she is a water element user.

Maddy went to the pond and soaked Freya's face on the water. Using her free hand, Freya grabbed Maddy's hair and the tables turned. I don't think that's a good move. Maddy can breathe under water for pete's sake!

The water in the pond started to rise and enveloped Freya. If nothing is done, she might drown! What am I still doing here?

I rushed to help Freya when the water that enveloped her started to boil and evaporate. The pond that was full of water earlier turned into a dried piece of land.

Let it out Freya, let it out.

Maddy, who was once full of anger now became shocked. Her knees trembled in fear that she lost her balance and fell to the ground.

Freya extended her arm to reach Maddy. I thought that she will help her but she grabbed Maddy's neck and strangled her with her hands that is on fire.

Maddy screamed in pain and I quickly rushed to stop Freya from doing what is planning to do.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" I asked her while helping Maddy get up.

"Are you trying to kill her?" I angrily asked her.

Her eyes that was once hungry to kill became troubled. She started running again but this time I grabbed her arm and hugged her. I don't know why. I just feel like I have to comfort her.

She cried on my arms without any sound escaping from her mouth. Her tears kept on falling like a faucet and I can feel her pain.

"What is happening to me?" she asked while sobbing

"Adam, what is this?" I almost forgot that Maddy is still around.

"Who is she? Why is she here?" Maddy kept on asking questions but I ignored here.

"ADAM!" Maddy yelled. Oh god, when will she stop?

"I don't have time to explain it all to you today, can you please just shut up?" She became silent.

I already lost my temper. Freya is still troubled about what just happened and I can't deal with Maddy right now.

We went back to my house and I let her rest for a while.


I don't know what just happened but one thing is for sure: I almost killed the girl who can control the water.

What kind of bad dream is this? I don't want this. Take me back to my world, please.

The guy who helped me gave me a glass of water. He looks troubled as well.

"Thank you." I said in a low voice.

"My name is Adam. I live here. And the girl you almost killed is Maddy" He sat beside me.

"I am Freya George" I looked at him and smiled bitterly.

"Sorry for all the troubles. I just… I don't... I mean these are new to me. I don't even know if this is even real or I am just hallucinating. Element users? My family? And me? A fire element user? Is this some kind of a joke? Is this some kind of a nightmare? I killed one person, and I almost killed the girl earlier. I can't even control myself. Fire coming out of my body? That's ridiculous!"

Why am I ranting in front of a strange guy?

"Actually, I already know you. You have your files with you when the accident happened so I brought it here and out of curiosity, I scanned it a little bit." I don't know what and how to react so I looked down.

Running away from here without my personal documents? How stupid can I be?

I lift my head and saw my reflection in a big mirror on my left side.

What kind of face is that? Puffy eyes, red nose, frizzy hair. I looked like a homeless person. Well, I am homeless, indeed. What a life!

I stared at my reflection a little more. Wait… this is not my clothes!

I looked at him angrily. "What did you do to me? Where are my clothes?"

"Okay chill!" he said while gesturing his hands saying I should calm down.

"You set yourself on fire, right? If the guy turned into ashes, do you think your clothes can withstand the heat?"

"You mean…" I covered myself with my hands. I went here naked!?

"No no no no no. Well thankfully, a strong wind extinguished the fire on your body so you were not really naked and I covered you with my trench coat quickly so I did not see anything..." I sighed in relief.

"…I guess" he continued.

"Pervert!" I yelled in disbelief. I went to the door to go out when a girl in my age went in.

"Oh hi! You're finally awake. Here, these are my clothes but I no longer need it, you can have them." She said cheerfully. Who is this?

She handed me the paper bags. "There are underwears too, they are new, don't worry."

"By the way I am Avah, Adam's younger sister." She extended her hand and I grabbed it gently.

"I am Freya George and thank you for these but I no longer need it because I have to go home."

I returned the paper bags, took my personal documents and went to the door to get out of here and have a normal life again.

"I am afraid that you may die the moment you step out from this fortress." She said in a serious voice.

"What? Why?" I asked.

"I just came from the witches lair to know if there are uninvited guests that are roaming around the dark forest and we found out that there are few who are looking for you. I guess what happened last time reached them already and now they are on the hunt." My knees trembled in fear causing me to fall to the ground.

"Why is this happening to me?" I asked while sobbing.

"You have to accept your fate and start living like one of us." Adam replied

"But I don't want this! I just want a normal life! Why can't I have one?" The tears that I was suppressing went out like a faucet. Avah hugged me and caressed my back.

"You need to be here so we can protect you. You are the last fire element user and we will do everything just to keep you alive. Our parents failed to rescue your family and we want to pay that debt so please, stay here and let us do our part." I can feel the sincerity in Avah's voice so I gave in.

Maybe this is the reason why I can't have a stable job and home. Maybe this is the reason why I am suffering alone before because I was not on the right place. Maybe this is the place where I truly belong.