Everyone gathered in front and John, together with the other three mentors signaled their subordinates to scatter.
"In each box they are holding, there are balls with numbers one to four. Pick one and never let anyone guess what number you got" One of the mentors named Matthew explained and we started to pick our numbers.
I got the number two. I did not know what's the purpose of this but I hid it before anyone noticed. Everyone did the same until the last person got the last ball. We went back to our line and John started talking.
"We have three levels in this combat training. First is battle royale. The number you got decides what cluster you will be in. You can either attack, run, defend or push them off the ring so they will be eliminated. The last person standing will be the winner"
So, I am with the cluster two?
"We want you to keep your numbers a secret so you won't know who you will be fighting with. In a real fight, you don't know how dangerous your enemies are and you will never have the chance to prepare a strategy to defeat them. At moments like this, we will be able to know the real fighters because using your power is prohibited." Everyone complained about the prohibition of powers but everyone stopped the murmurs when Tony silenced them.
"On the second level, the winner of block one will fight the winner of block three and same goes with the block two and four. You can use your power in this level but it will be limited. This is because we want to know how far you can control your emotions in times of difficulties. Once your enemy can fight no more or if they fall of the ring, they will be eliminated"
"The last two winners will proceed to the last level and here, you can go all out. You can use every bit of your power and you can fight everywhere as long as you are still inside the training field."
"Get yourself ready because we will be starting any minute now" After one of the mentors named Bob said that, he, together with the other mentors entered the colosseum.
I heard noises the moment they stepped in and they said some speech in front of the villagers. The yell went loud but my heartbeat is louder. I think my organs are trembling as well.
"Are you okay, Frey?" I looked at Avah and smiled at her. No, I am not.
"I'm a little bit nervous." She just smiled at me and pat my back.
"Just remember your training" she said that with full of encouragement.
Remember my training? Should I trust my 3-month training when they got a whole year? You've got to be kidding me!
"Now, let me call the Block one!" the announcer seemed to be full of energy. Lucky him.
We went inside the colosseum as well to watch the battle royal.
Everyone in the colosseum yelled and clapped their hands. They are also excited of what will be the result.
Almost 30 trainees entered the ring and the loud noises doubled. They keep on cheering for their bet and shouted some encouraging words.
The battle royale started quickly and the trainees started attacking each other, throwing punches and kicks everywhere. Some of them keep on avoiding the attacks and just keep on running around the ring. Some of them are just defending themselves from the attack of their opponents. Minutes passed and now, there are only five participants left on the ring. One of them is Maddy. Thank god I don't have to fight her on the first level.
The fight became more intense because those who are left are real fighters. I can see blood in their fists and they are bathing in their sweats. The color white uniform was stained with blood and some parts were ripped.
The noise became louder when the 3 participants got defeated. Now, those who are left in the ring are Maddy and a masculine guy. Maddy kept throwing heavy punches and the guy is stepping back to avoid the attack. He seemed unaware that he is getting nearer to the edge. If he keeps on doing that, he might lose if he falls.
The guy stopped avoiding Maddy's attack and is now on the offense. He punched Maddy on the stomach that caused her to lose balance. That hurts! She stood up and is now throwing heavier attacks than earlier. Her face seemed pissed and is now ready to devour her opponent. She caught the guy off-guard and punched him on his jaw. She punched again and again until the guy could no longer get up. Everyone in the colosseum went wild and Maddy took the gauze off her fists.
They are like wild animals. I didn't even know if I could pass the first level. I don't know my opponents since I was trained with the newbies or sometimes, alone so I think I'll be the first person to be defeated in our block.
If that happens, my 3 months of hellish training will be in vain and probably, John will kill me.
Focus Freya, focus. This is no time for you to be nervous.
The announcer said there will be a 10-minute break so I composed myself because I'll be in the ring in a while. I went back to the room and sat on the chair. I saw the Block 1 participants entering the room. Those who were injured went to the other rooms where the healers are located. I saw Maddy and despite all the bruises she got from the fight, she remained fierce. How does she do that?
She saw me watching her and she just smirked. What the heck? That… urgh!
"Block 2, get ready!" My heart skipped a beat when the guy said that.
I composed myself and breathe deeply. I can do this!
There are already participants who went to the entrance. I think they are the block 2 participants. How can I beat them when I don't even know how strong they are! I did a little stretch and warm up to condition my body. I don't know if this will help me in the fight but it eased my nervousness. I hope I can get out of the ring alive.
"The long wait is over! Entering on the stage are the participants from block 2!" the announcer started speaking and the participants are now entering the ring.
I still have time to backout.
But john will kill me.
And Adam and Avah will kill me too.
And Maddy will just laugh at me because I am a coward.
I stood up and went to the entrance. I hope this is not my last day on earth. Do this or be doomed forever.
Everyone in the colosseum started shouting and kept on yelling the names of their choice. I looked around and saw my opponents. They all look scary.
"And the battle royale starts in 3, 2, and 1!"
Everyone around me started attacking each other. I looked around and half of them are wounded already.
I tilted my body avoiding the fist that was about to hit me. That was close!
"There's no time to daydream here, newbie." The guy said and threw another punch but none of them hit me. Thank you, John for all of those deadly trainings! I mean it!
The guy in front of me started to get pissed and threw countless of punches that are out of anger. I attacked him and kicked the you-know-where, he crumpled in the ground so I left him there. I don't think he can get up for a while. I was looking for someone to fight when I was almost kicked by a girl. I avoided her attacks and waited for the right moment to knock her out.
I never thought I'll be good at this! My training really paid off. My punches are now stronger than before after all those times where John would throw boulders bigger than my head and let me punch them all without missing even just one. He keeps on telling me that everyone in this place has this superhuman strength and everything and that I should be like this and be like that and do this and do that.
I was so drowned with my thoughts that I didn't evaded a punch that hit my face.
"You like that?" she said that while smirking at me.
I guess it's time to go all out?