"Who are you?" Adam asked angrily.
The guy did not utter any sound. He is looking around trying to find an opening but we made sure he finds nothing.
He stopped looking around when he realized there's no way out. He looked at Adam while forming something on his hands. "I'd rather be dead" he said and almost stab his neck with the knife he created but I was able to get a hold of his hand with my fire whip. That was close!
He resisted but every move he creates only burned his skin.
"Ahh, Ignis" he said while glaring at me. Adam and the others chained him and covered his eyes and we went back to the village.
"We saw him few meters away from the border. He almost stabbed himself so we can't get information from him but Fre… I mean, George stopped him."
We are now inside the House of Elders where they always hold meetings and report things like this. Adam is explaining what happened in front of the elders. John. Matthew, Bob, and Tony are also here.
Elder Teresa and elder Oriel talked for a while and they decided to imprison the invader. They said they will be extracting information from the guy and if he does not cooperate, they will do what is necessary.
We are now at the House of Security where Adam is the head. All of the others who went patrol earlier this morning are gathered here.
"We have to tighten our security. Instead of only patrolling every morning, we have to scatter some people all over the borders every afternoon too. What happened earlier is a manifestation that our fortress might be in danger in the coming days. We can't afford to let anyone in because they might wreak havoc in the village. I'll be meeting with the witches today to strengthen the enchantment and you have to be prepared of whatever that may happen."
"And also… I will be deploying 3 persons in each cardinal direction and you will be switching every 3 hours. Unless we can ensure that we are already safe, we should always remain vigilant."
Adam displayed the map of the fortress and that is when I realized that it is bigger than what I imagined. The village is just one third of the map. Everything else is still foreign to me because I haven't been there. I did not know those places exists!
He started assigning who will be deployed at where and when. I am with the other two patrol and we have to be there at one in the afternoon. The patrolling will start nine in this morning and the others will continue the training as per John and the other mentor's advice.
We have no time to waste because the worst-case scenario might come.
After the meeting, we went to the training field.
"George" I looked at John and he told me to come with him.
We are outside the training field and there are trees everywhere around us.
"I saw your fight with Grigg during the combat training."
"Oh, yeah. Sorry I went overboard. "
"No. I mean, that is totally fine with me but… how were you able to heal yourself?"
"I did not know. I was surprised too that my power can do that."
"What about the whirlwind? You were able to combine your power with the air. Ignis can't do that." What does he mean?
"I was just moving my index finger out of instinct and the whirlwind appeared."
"Can you please promise me one thing?" John is acting weird.
"Don't make unnecessary moves involving wind or air and don't ever heal yourself in front of everyone." I just nodded in response. I don't know what he is talking about but I guess I will just follow him.
We headed back to the field and I started training with the other people for the first time. They welcomed me except Maddy who is still sending me death glares.
The mentors gave us some bracelets that are made out of materials that I don't know and is very heavy.
"You have to wear that in your hand and feet starting from now" Bob said and everyone complained. It is actually very heavy.
"What? It is not too heavy." The mentors just laughed at us.
I guess each weighted one kilo and every one of us has four so that means we will weigh four kilos more. I don't think I can move around with this!
We started wearing the metals on our wrists and feet. And it is indeed heavy. We can't even move properly.
"Soon you will get used to it. We will be adding one more kilo if your moves have improved. This is not a torture. We only want what'd the best for you." Everyone kept quiet when Tony became serious.
We trained for more but now with the bracelets on. It is slowing our motion but since we don't have a choice, we have to get used to it.
On the afternoon, we went patrolling with my team and fortunately, our area seemed peaceful. Since our training happens only during morning, I decided to go home.
The sun is already setting. Avah and Adam's parents will come home today so I cooked something for them. Adam picked me up and we went to their house. I saw Avah cooking so I helped her because Adam is busy with something.
Their parents arrived an hour later and they have lots of luggage with them. I started to think that they went abroad.
"Welcome home!" we kissed each other's cheek and started eating. So, this is what it feels to have a family? I am glad I met them.
"I can't believe it is you Freya. I mean, the last time we saw you… you were still a baby. Look at you now! Strong and beautiful like your mother." Mrs. Shaw is teary-eyed while talking to me.
We continued eating while they were telling us about their mission. After eating, Avah and I volunteered to wash the dishes and we headed to the living room afterwards.
"Why do you have so many luggage?" Avah asked while opening their stuff.
"Your mother went shopping after our mission. She was so happy that Freya is already here. Those are all for you. She didn't even buy one for me." Mr. Shaw seemed pissed while Mrs. Shaw just laughed.
"Uhm, Mr. and Mrs. Shaw-" I stopped when she interrupted me.
"It's uncle and aunt. Drop the formalities, you are part of our family now" I just smiled at her.
"Thank you for everything" I said with full of sincerity.
"No Freya, you deserve all of this. I know Alex and Marriane would do the same." Uncle and aunt gave me a hug and we opened the luggage already. Each of us has our own and it was filled with clothes and shoes and any other things of my taste.
"These are all for me?" I asked them. I still can believe it. It's too many!
"Yes! And there are more to come!"
We spent the whole night talking with each other and laughing. They don't want me to go home so I decided to stay for the night.
We are now at the roof top of their house because they said we should do camping once in a while. We have been staring at the sky for an hour now while chit-chatting.
"I am so happy that I got the chance to meet you" I said out of the blue.
"Me too" Avah replied so we looked at Adam and waited for his reply.
"What?" he looked at us with his puzzled face so we just laughed at him.
Sometimes I get scared when something good is always happening. I just feel like danger is just a few steps away from me or something sad will happen that will break me again. I don't even want to be happy before because I am afraid what may happen next. I can't afford to lose anyone anymore. I can't afford to end this moment. I want to keep on creating happy memories with my favorite people stop the time so we no longer have to think about the future.
I know my life is in danger the moment I heard that there are bad people who wants me dead that is why I trained so much to protect myself and hopefully, to protect my loved ones.