I woke up and saw an angel beside me sleeping silently.
Just kidding! It's just Avah and no, she is not an angel because she's like a demon when she gets mad.
She said she missed me so much so she insisted that we should have a sleep-over. As if that is the real reason! If I know, they are just afraid that I might have a breakdown again because of what happened yesterday.
I just smiled while thinking about that. I love them so much!
I was away for only one week yet it feels like I've been away for months. I miss everything in here!
Thank god I don't have to attend today's training. The mentors gave me a rest day since I just finished my mission and I already have a plan in mind on how I should spend my whole time.
I went to the shower room and prepared the tub. I feel like treating myself today with a long bath!
I cooked Avah a meal since she still needs to attend the training. I also prepared a coffee for her so when she wakes up, everything is ready.
I went back to the shower room and soaked myself in the tub, played calming music while being surrounded by scented candles.
I don't actually know where these candles came from since I have never seen a store around the village. But I haven't seen the whole Aspiera yet, so, maybe there are stores somewhere?
When we are patrolling, we are only patrolling the borders and we are only using the same track every time so I can't see any houses or buildings since the borders are covered with very large trees. The entrance and exit of Aspiera, as well as the school and training field, is just near the village so there is no reason for me to wander off.
But maybe I can do it now since I am visiting a friend.
After an hour, I heard a knock on the door.
"Yes?" I answered.
"Aren't we going to eat yet? I am hungry!" I hear Avah's voice.
"Coming!" I said and got up and dried myself.
I went out of the bathroom and saw her sleeping again.
I just laughed at the position she is in. Half of her body is on the bed while her legs are falling. She even still has drools on her face!
I decided to let her be and just wake her up when I finish getting ready.
I took a gray jogger pants and a white V-neck shirt in my closet and put some extra clothes on my bag just in case. I also got a black baseball cap and then I went back to Avah.
"Where are you going?" she asked while rubbing her eyes.
"I'll just wander around the forest" I simply answered.
"That sounds interesting! Can I come?" she asked while her eyes are sparkling in excitement.
"No." I refused and saw the whole heavens crashed her excitement.
"But why? You are the head of the team; you can just excuse me" she said with her eyes pleading.
She is like a puppy right now who wants a treat. Awww, who can resist her?
"Still no" Probably me.
"I am visiting someone and you still have training. As the head, I have the power to excuse you but I am not going to use that for something trivial. So, you will go there, train more and wait for me to come back." I said and went down to have breakfast. She followed with her lips pouting.
"What took you so long to get ready? I am starving!" I saw Adam waiting for us at the dining table preparing everything.
"Why are you here?" I asked in surprise. I thought he is at work already.
"Oh, good morning Adam!" Avah greeted so I greeted him too. He just smiled and offered us a seat so we could start eating again.
"Mom and Dad went out early in the morning because the elders gave them a sudden one-week mission. I don't feel like eating alone so I went here and waited for almost an hour!"
"Well, is it our fault that you waited here instead of going upstairs to check us?" Avah sarcastically said and sat down.
I just chuckled and sat down next to Avah. We started eating and they told me what happened here when I was gone. I decided not to tell them what really happened during my mission because I think it is not the right time yet.
After we finished eating, we went in the same direction but we departed after, since Adam is going to the Elders' House and Avah went to the training field. I headed to the mentors' house with Renji in my shoulders.
"Freya, what brought you here?" Tony asked me when he saw me entered the house.
"I just want to ask for a favor"
"What is it? I am glad to help"
"I want to go to Drew's house but I don't know where it is. Can you please give me a map with directions to his place please?" I humbly asked.
"You mean, Drew, the dark mage?" he asked me.
"Ah, yes. I just want to visit him and maybe, stroll a little since I haven't been able to visit every corner of Aspiera"
He went to a shelf with lots of scrolls and got one.
"His place is just near the witches' lair so you can easily find it"
"Witches?" remembering the faces of the witches in the children's book made me pale.
"No, George. They are not like the witches in the storybooks in the outside world." my thoughts were interrupted.
I want to be eaten by the ground because of the embarrassment. How can I possibly judge someone I haven't met?
"Sorry," I said while looking down.
"It's normal. You spent your childhood years outside and I understand. Here, bring it back with you. Okay?"
I nodded and went out.
Maybe I should stop overthinking things.
I headed to Drew's place following the map's directions. Almost half an hour has passed and I am already inside a forest. The trees are so large but the sun rays can still enter.
Wildflowers are growing everywhere and butterflies are flying around. There are even squirrels and rabbits roaming around looking for their food.
I couldn't help but be amazed. Aspiera never failed to surprise me! This is truly a paradise.
If the people who are behind my family's death are not living here, I could easily say this is heaven. But heaven has no demons.
I continued walking and, on my way, I saw a black cat at the top of the tree licking its paws. She doesn't seem like she needs help so I went on. Few meters away, I saw another cat but there are two now. They are playing with each other.
"Is this normal?" I asked myself.
I decided to forget about the cats while following the directions but every time I walk past another horde of cats, I can see another horde of cats.
"What is going on here?" I said in a high voice.
The cats stopped what they are doing and stared at me. They started walking towards me and a few minutes after, they are already surrounding me.
Oh, no.
Are they going to attack me? Are they going to kill me?
I prepared myself for whatever is going to happen. But I can't hurt them! They are just cats!
I stiffened when a very large cat appeared in front of me and licked my hands.
The other cats stopped walking but they are still surrounding me. The large cat brushed its fur on my legs and looked at me like it wants to be petted so I gently stroke its fur.
They seem nice.
But I still can't believe there are so many cats in this part of the forest. They don't look like stray cats because based on their physique, they seem well.
I heard a soft chuckle not too far from where I am standing so I looked for the person behind it. Seconds later, a girl shorter than me suddenly jumped from the giant tree.
I gasped some air due to shock. That is too high!
I was about to ask her if she is okay but she seems pretty fine since her smile is so big.
I smiled back because I don't know what to do. This is awkward.
The large cat started walking towards her the same as the other cats. I'm starting to think she can tame animals like any other kid out there.
Based on her height, I think she's a kid too.
"You can tame animals too?" I asked her.
"No. They are my pets."
"All of them?" I was not able to hide the surprise on my face.
There are more than fifty cats around us and she owns all of them? Really?
"Yes, why?"
"Nothing, I just thought it's too much. For me—only, since I am not a cat person. But not everything applies to everyone, sooo…" why am I stuttering?
"There is no word as 'too much' in owning something you love" yeah, right. Who am I to judge?
I just smiled at her awkwardly.
"I am Astrid by the way." She extended her hand and I took it to have a handshake.
Astrid… the name is familiar. I think I've heard it before. But I don't know when and where. I hate myself sometimes for being too forgetful.
"I am Freya" she started walking and she signaled me to come so I followed.
"So, what do you do for fun?" she asked me out of the blue.
"Uhm, spend time with my loved ones, I guess? How about you?" I believe that when someone asks you questions like these, they want to be asked too.
"Nothing, really. But I enjoy hearing the screams of agony and despair when I am torturing a person, plucking their nails, cutting their skin with blades and lighting a candle above them letting the hot candle wax fall into their skin. My favorite targets are stray people." She winked at me while she is smiling like a lunatic.
"You are a witch" I don't know what I said that but it just slips through my tongue.
"Yes, I am" and just like that, her lunatic smile became an evil one.