the unfound power

"Yes master." Salve followed every order this man has given him.

"One more thing, track her location. Make sure you do not cause harm unless needed. Since I have been found out I guess it is time for us to go back to where we belong soon, let us find the girl first." Shin said, he took the form of the crown prince because he wanted to take over the two kingdoms, but apparently Sakura was not having it and he would have to change his plan again.

Soon both of them disappeared.

While running Sakura came to a thought since I can send little messages through cultivation then she should be able to let the king and queen know, also to let Yua and Kaito know that she will not be back for a long time.

While running they came across a cave not sure if it will be a good idea to try to hide or to keep running sakura decided it will be okay to stay there long enough just to send out a few messages. Receiving the real Katsuo's message she had to send him one back.

"This is Yuki Sakura, recently I was brought back to the palace and I found out I was your fiance from your imperial father but the Queen felt something was off with the guy who was dressed like you. She sent me off to find out. We will be trying to come try and save you soon." Leaving as much as she could, Sakura hurriedly notified everyone of what is to occur.

"alright I'm done shall we keep going?" Sakura did not know where to go. She was quite in a desperate situation. Thinking of one idea but Sakura was quite reluctant to go through with it.

"I am not sure, you are the only person who believed me."

"Oh I forgot, what is your name? we were busy running and all, I did not even think to ask."

"I am damien, the young masters most trusted subordinate. I guess what we need to do right now is find somewhere or someone to trust and hide also to be able to plan a strategy." Damien gave a bow towards sakura when he introduced himself, he took off his mask, Damien seemed to be the same age as Katsuo should be so it was no wonder they were close.

"I have one person in mind but do not freak out if you do not mind." Sakura closed her eyes preparing to contact Haru.

"Haru are you there, we need some help, the Katsuo you met is an imposter and he should be tracking us soon. Now would be a great time if you want to be friends again." Leaving this message she knew he would reply soon, in the next moment it was like they were in a call.

"Hello Missy, so what predicament got you on your last stand?"

"Do not play, just get here, we are in a cave in the middle of the forest to the north, were probably not staying so be quick."

Ending the call, Sakura and Damien looked outside the cave, they were in a hurry, if she had to Sakura thought if push comes to shove she would storm into the northern kingdom.

Seeing no one around they left the cave and went back on track, heading straight towards the mysterious kingdom. What they did not know was they have been found out.

"Young master, I have found them, they are currently heading towards the north." Leaving this salve began to follow them quickly.

Sakura was beginning to get tired as her body has not been trained the way she would have liked and the worst part was it was dark. The speed they were running was not normal as they were both actual assassins, Damien was quite surprised with her speed but he thought who would match his master if they could not keep up the pace. Damien was actually trained to be an assassin since young but when the prince found out about what his family was trying to do he got rid of them and took in Damien at a young age, he was an only child and his parents were traitors towards the kingdom.

Damien wanted to ask Sakura about her origins but he could not, not right now anyways. Sakura was feeling quite helpless because she told the fake Katsuo about her origins so they would most likely not hold back at all in fire power.

As the tension was building up Sakura felt something was not quite right with her, she felt as though her insides were being torn apart, thus causing her to fall on the ground quite hard.

Hearing a thud behind him Damien looked back. Sakura was curling into a ball as the pain was unbearable, she was scared for the first time. Damien ran to her and asked "What is going on?" Sakura could only let out a whisper through her gritted teeth "it hurts.."

The pain was actually the built up power within her, not knowing how to release it or use it, through cultivation it will gain more and more filling it up, when in a dangerous situation in time it will come in handy but if the user does not know how to use it, it will cause harm to the cultivator.

Picking up Sakura from the ground, her skin was hot. Before Damien could do anything, a mist started to appear around them.

"I suggest you put her down Damien, you will not be able to help if you get close." coming out of the mist Shin informed, followed by Salve.

"What do you know, first you fake your identity and try to take our kingdom now your trying to take the crown princes fiance, shameless." Damien yelled at Shin.

"I can if I want to, also she has a power in her that obviously needs released."

Stepping closer Shin was going to grab the helpless Sakura, but before he could do so Damien poured his cultivation in his hand and used his wind element and pushed shin away.

Shin chuckled "salve you know what to do." Taking his master's orders seriously. Salve took out a blade that looked like a giant hammer with spikes, while Damien took out a big hatchet. Going at each other with their lives at stake, both had their own beliefs and pressed on. Salve putting his spiritual energy into his weapon landed a heavy blow to the ground causing a crack in the earth, Damien stumbled a big but standing his ground he tightened his grip on the hatchet and swung fast as lightning. Trees began falling down and broke in pieces from the battle.

While they were against each other shin was in fact stepping closer to the shaking Sakura. Opening her eyes in hatred Sakura tried her best to stand, finally getting on her feet Sakura yelled "Do not dare to come close to me!" Each step sakura took almost made her feel as though she were to fall, her bodies energy was feeling as though it was slipping.

Shin kept creeping closer he smiles as though it was nothing but playing a game.

When he got two steps close to her Sakura's vision was starting to cloud over. Sakura was scared.

"If I fall, I will not be able to keep my promise with the queen. No! I will not fall and if I do I will take all my enemies down with me!!

Sakura ran an uppercut into Shin's neck, finally hitting shin, he grabbed her arms and flipped Sakura over his shoulder to the ground, Sakura spit out blood, getting up she used her qing gong to jump and land a kick in his pelvis, bending down he smirked 'so this girl actually has some hidden moves, we will see who becomes victorious.'

After hitting him in his pelvis Sakura grabbed her sword and poured her energy into it which made fire surround the sword. Sakura moved as though she was not hurt but deep inside she was almost in shambles but fought on. Shin and Sakura was clashing against each other.

Shin's motive was to capture Sakura but her motive was to get rid of him even if it costed her life.

Without paying attention to Damien's and Salve's battle, Salve held Damien down to the ground and pierced his shoulder with his sword, making Damien unable to move.

Salve began to walk towards Shin and Sakura, seeing as she was not paying attention to her surroundings salve snuck up behind her and landed a blow to her stomach causing her to hit into tree after tree. breaking them when she hit into them, rolling after awhile she felt as though she would not be able to move. Sakura then puked some blood when she fell on the cold ground.

Looking at his subordinate shin was in rage "You could have killed her! we still need her to survive!"

"Yes I could have, but I did not, also we have pills that could help if needed." replied Salve.

Sakura knew that she would be captured but it did not stop her from doing something that could possibly help the real Katsuo if it does work.

Shin ran towards her and tried to knock her out, looking straight at shin Sakura smiled a victorious smirk, making him stupefied, then Sakura slammed down both of her palms on the ground, her whole body started to be surrounded with lightning being sent straight through the ground to every kingdom and every corner, since she knew basically what he may look. Nothing could stop her in being able to find him. This was the hidden power she held, lightning was a rare element as it can control the sky, when she sent waives of lightning through the ground it was able to locate Katsuo and broke the chains in which binded him from leaving the cell, looking out the window of the cell he saw a blinding light coming from the forest and knew where the person who helped him was.

Feeling his energy come back to him, Katsuo broke the cell wall, making every piece crumbled. finally able to taking a breath of fresh air, Katsuo sped across the earth towards the forest.

Katsuo was an ice and fire welder, which made him able to freeze anything and can burn anything but his hidden talent from his clan was the ability to transport through dark spaces.

Sakura soon could not hold it anymore and stopped the lightning. When she sent the lightning to the ground she shocked salve and shin in the process making them both a little burnt. Dropping down to the ground Sakura was too exhausted to move anymore.

"Well I guess you knew more than you were letting off Sakura." Shin grinned from ear to ear. Sakura could only watch with hatred, she hoped that her lightning helped.

"I should have captured you from the start, especially after knowing your background. I did not believe you would have been this strong but it seems you are on your last stand Sakura." picking Sakura up off the ground Shin summoned his mist, salve went first, halfway through the mist Katsuo got hit by a beaming red flash which made him and Sakura fly through the air, crashing into a tree Shin landed on the ground.

When Sakura was falling she thought she would land hard on the ground but instead she landed on a hard chest. Looking up she was quite shocked and embarrassed, guessing this person was the real Katsuo she whispered "thank you.."

Looking down he was quite shocked with how young she looked, he was stunned at first by her beauty. "Are you the one who sent the lightning?" He asked while she nodded, setting her on the ground and then started to run Katsuo landed a punch right into Shin's abdomen and then grabbed him by the collar and slammed him into the ground "this is for locking me up in the dungeon" then freezing Shin's right leg Katsuo raised him above him and swung Shin's leg into the tree near him causing his leg to become broken. "That last one is for deceiving people of my kingdom."