San Francisco, California USA,

September 1997

Mr. Romanova was eating dinner in the dining room with his wife that night when the telephone rang. He immediately got up and walk to get the telephone and answer it. "The fishermen caught a rare sea creature near the pacific, and the authority called our help to identify and study the creature for any further investigation about it. They say it's a big one. It's already on the laboratory right now, so you might want to go here to see its condition". "Alright, I'm coming over" Mr. Romanova replied and hang up the phone and looked at his wife. "Honey, umm Gomez called and there's a" Mr. Romanova tried to explain. "It's alright, I understand, but be careful. Always." Mrs. Romanova said.

When Mr. Romanova arrived at the laboratory, he directly went to his coworker Gomez and there he had seen a huge sea creature as big as a whale. For him it looked like the creature has a skin that was more likely close to a sea lion. But it is a four-legged mammal with a frog-like face and it has a slit in the middle of its stomach. The team of the scientists including Romanova are examining further the sea creature; its history and its behavior and they found out that there are more of the same being on an isolated island near the pacific. They also found out that the animal is currently endangered because of the island's environment and the animals there are increasingly diminishing because of it.

One of the scientists that Mr. Romanova work with is Mr. Thurmann. Thurmann works in the drug or medication department. He usually works out a treatment to any creature inside the lab. After weeks of keeping the creature, the scientist found a way to keep the animal alive and save its species. Mr. Thurmann had formulated an innovative gene for the creature in which the mutated gene serves as a way to improve its health, as well as its internal and external aspects much better and also for future reproducing of the species. It was the first time they had made a treatment for that kind of animal; it was not tested to other animals because they thought it doesn't make sense because they would just risk another specie if that happened. So, it might as well be injected to only one creature. After the injecting procedure. They happened to wait for hours and when they got back to see the animal on its chamber, the animal still seemed weak and when it got up it started to scream wildly. The scientists realized that there must be something wrong on the creature. They weren't sure, maybe it's because of the mutation of the animal's gene. Therefore, the scientists decided to chain the animal until it's extinction.