
Chapter 4 - First Reveal

I breathe for air. If this was a marathon, I must've finished first. I step into the studio and proceeded to where I placed the tape. Thank God it's still here! But that wasn't the surprise. Because beside it is another tape. He knew I wanted to listen to him. But how did he know I left it by mistake? I grabbed both tapes and placed them inside my bag. I've made a decision. If I want to find out whoever is behind this, I'll have to keep baiting him for more tapes. I'll figure a way to expose him. But for now, I'll have to keep listening to his blasphemy.

I attended all of my remaining classes for today and observed almost everyone from all four corners. I don't care if they think I'm weird. I'm just dying to know who could he be. I listen to the new tape with a sticker on top in the shape of a star. And then I pressed play.

"Thank you for choosing to continue listening to me. I feel very honored because a person like you would never give me a chance if it were in person. In this tape I won't just be saying how I feel but I have tons to reveal. You do like the rush of listening to stories. I feel like you're the only person who can understand me Alia. Actually, the school needs someone like you. And you're the last hope for people like me who wants to have a voice heard. Afterall, you do want to get in NMN right?"

He knows about my dream about NMN, only Emil knows about that. It doesn't make sense. If Emil is my secret suitor and if that's what he's called, it would be impossible. We hate each other to death. Let alone the fact that he literally cut communication with me from my socials and even when we cross paths at the corridors of Damian High. And clearly it's not Reign because he's a guy. Is he probably using a voice changer to sound like a guy? Quit overthinking Alia! Just focus on the tape.

"I'm sure you're also curious about our useless radio broadcasting team who's no longer doing their job. Truth be told, I wish they still exist. I mean they still do but now they're just no longer passionate anymore. I wanted to get in the club just like you. Until today, the club remains a mistery to the whole school. And I'm so glad that atleast it's not a mistery to me anymore. Because guess what? I figured out who's behind all those voices since day 1."

My heart cannot stop pounding. He knows who the dj's are. From broadcasters, to script and story compilers, to technical staff and the head of the team. Our radio broadcasting club is a mistery among all clubs, because no one knows who's in it. In the morning when the stereo's are on, only a pre-recorded tape is being played at the studio. And every week, students would always get excited from listening to the school speakers. AV broadcasting was a sensation. Everyone didn't care who they were but students were always thrilled to hear the speakers go off and the dj would release the newest songs from the Damian band, a confession from an anonymous sender and he hot tea from across the entire Damian campus. Even the school paper was ran by the Anonymous Voice Broadcasting team. They sure made our school one of a kind. Another thing was their team wasn't all that full of themselves. They accepted interns and newbies who would want to be part of the pack. Unfortunately, I never tried because I thought I wouldn't be able to keep up like them. Emil tried but he failed to get in, so if it were impossible for him, how much more could it be for my case. The broadcast lasted until one day when prom was just done, they officially signed off for good. The entire school was devastated, some students even cried. The once lively and loud highschool is just as mediocre as everything else. But their reputation never died. Damians believed that the AVs will be back and the speaker will go live once again. But it's been 3 years already. I'm at my Senior year and we still haven't heard a word from them. I find this a miracle that now this mysterious voice claims to know almost everything about the broadcasting team. And who knows? He might be one of them.

"If you're thinking that maybe I'm part of the AVs, well I'm sorry to disappoint you but no. Like I told you, I aspired to be part of them as well but never grabbed the chance. This isn't my way to expose whoever was behind the that club. Truth be told, I'm just trying to save their faces. But I know that as much as we are highly hooked by the fact that we don't know them, I know that deep down inside you're heart you want to know who they are. So allow me, a trusted source to tell you, who's part of the pack. But be warned, no one has to know except you. Atleast now we have something we can share."

He's about to reveal one member from the AVs. And he'll probably say why they disbanded in the first place. I listen more carefully than ever. This is amazing, I have a lead to the AVs. I arrive at the front porch of the school. Students are in their way home but I remain on the bleachers with my earphones and my anxious giddpy feet.

"This first member that I'm about to reveal is no stranger to you. You might think it is impossible but this person actually despise you for the fact that you're better at this craft. This person loves to bring you down when you're at the top of a pit. One of the reasons why the AVs shut down was because this person's professionalism didn't quite show when it was expected. This person showed jealousy and insecurity over a person that wasn't even part of the broadcast."

It's Emil. Who else could it be? It all makes sense now. He dated me just to know about about my plans and dreams. And he would sometimes take credit for my work that involves anything about communication, radio or script writing. I boil with fury. I expect him to be a jerk but now he's more than that.

"And do you know what? You, Alia were suppsed to be casted as the head's personal pick for the newcomers voice screening. But this person spoke ill of you. The words were unbearable for people like is who's into reading and writing."

I become furious even more. My anger is sky high. I feel betrayed. And then I see him. At the corner of my eye. And I'm resdy throw not just my milkshake but my full fist on his face. I start to walk towards him while the tape keeps playing. Emil struts down the stairs and I don't look away. My eyes are filled with mist and he doesn't like it.

"How surprising don't you think..."

Everything slows down, even my footsteps take 2 seconds to land the heavy concrete of the school but my eyes are still on Emil.

"...you gave full trust on this person, told them about your dreams only for theirs to tear apart..."

How could you do this to me Emil. I loved you.

"...and then just like that, they close the doors that are open for you..."

Why? Emil why? I speak to myself but I still approach him. Just feet away and I can get my revenge.

"What kind of a friend would do that to you?"

I become numb. Everything is at pause. I don't understand. No, I do.

"She's a traitor Alia."

She? It's not Emil. My gaze shifts from him to the blondè right behind him paving her way, with her posh shoulder bag and eyeliner, her alto voice tried to call me. My eyes start to sting. And my vision goes blurry by the droplets of my untamed emotions. How could you?

"It's Reign." The voice said and the tape stopped. My bestfriend is part of the AVs and not me. And it's all because of her.