
A few seconds later, the mist cleared and Havillah found herself in an empty and narrow cobbled pathway. All around her huge dilapidated mansions dwarfed her. Not a soul was in sight and as she studied her surroundings, she finally noticed another building at the end of the narrow street that gave off a somewhat familiar vibe.

In soft evening light and lengthening shadows, Havillah's feet, on their own accord began to pull her forward, moving her in the general direction of the building. As she drew closer to it, she observed the huge round pillars that rose up high above her, culminating in a high domed roof of a portico that protected a great high entry way from the elements that were rain and solar rays.

"A Sanctuary," The words escaped her lips in a whisper as she stared at the familiar and gilded architecture that made up the building. She raised a foot to take her first step inside and the now black robes swished with the small movement that she had just made. Her hand moved to touch the door knob, but it stilled just as she felt some movement behind her and she turned to look.

"Hey, you! What are you doing here?" a deep voice called out and Havillah turned her eyes to search the lengthening shadows for the figure that was concealed within them.

"I...I... am just looking..." she stuttered. "Is it forbidden?"

"Depends on whom you're asking." the voice replied and her eyes widened at the dark figure in a black armoured suit that was just walking out of the shadows.

"Killion?" she called out, taking a step down the main Sanctuary stairway.

"No, but I can take you to him." The voice said and the visor disappeared to reveal the face of a young man or a boy, Havillah was not sure which. He looked male and tall enough to be a man, but his beautiful face and the lack of facial hair was something that made it hard for her to place him. "However, you will have to wait until tomorrow morning. As you can see, the sun is already setting."

Havillah nodded. As she did so, her mind went back to what the Chamberlain had told her and what she had witnessed before she had swooped down to save the man in question.

"The dragons, are they coming back?" she asked the boy-man, and he turned from his observations of their environment to study her with a curious expression in his eyes.

"Who are you?" Havillah's brows furrowed and a frown formed on her pretty face.

"I am Havillah, daughter of Jaykob and Tamaar, el..." she trailed off as the recollections of the past day flooded her mind.

"Havillah...Havillah! You're that girl who saved our captain?" he asked as he took in her appearance for the first time.

"I...I...wait! He told you? That...That..." She started ranting, but trailed off as a nerve-racking roar filled the evening air. Red- orange flames covered the entirety of the darkened sky and a shudder of apprehension rattled her, chilling her body straight to the bones.

"Come, Let's go." The boy- man took Havillah's hand and pulled Havillah out of her trance and into a dark alley way. Havillah stumbled along the way as she followed him, struggling to see in the darkened street. As she stumbled for about the millionth time, a dark shadow swooped down, sending down a gust of wind and the soldier threw her down before pinning her down to the cobbled floor.

"Aaargh, I forgot! You don't have a suit to dampen your heat signature." The man hissed.

"They can sense me?" Havillah mumbled as her voice shook with fear.

"Of course, they can? How do you not know these things? Everyone in the Bethesda knows!"

"I am not from around." Havillah whimpered, struggling to keep her tears back.

"Where are you from Havillah? Maybe we can all go there and escape these terrors that are plaguing our entire world." The young man sneered as he replied sarcastically.

"It doesn't matter..." she replied looking down at her hands sullenly. "I am not welcome there anyway." She added more softly, but the young man did not hear her as another dark shadow swooped in and lunged at them. The young man sprinted up and attempted to pull Havillah up, but they were too slow. The shadow lunged at the young girl and used its talons to grab her by her shoulders. The young soldier tried to reach for her with his hands, but the dragon flew sky high carrying a screaming Havillah within its claws.

"This is it. This is how I die, on my very first night of banishment." Havillah thought as defeated tears streamed down her soiled cheeks. "Oh Great and Eternal Light, was this how I was destined to go out?" As she thought these thoughts, a bright light exploded from within her chest, warming her as it seared the dragon which retracted its claws as it roared out in pain.

The stream of white light continued to engulf Havillah covering entire form and a peace like she had never known filled her mind and soul. Slowly, her darkened robes started glimmering and as the young soldier looked on, Havillah continued to float in the air even as the golden embroidery in her robes was fully restored.

A familiar hope filled Havillah's heart and she felt a reassurance that she had never felt before. In another burst of the Second Virtue, more bright light emanated from her body and pulsed out of her in waves that lighted up the area. The dragon cried out in pain as wave after wave of bright light singed its dark armour. When it could not take it anymore, the shadow roared out in pain and fled the vicinity still crying out.

After the dragon silhouette disappeared into the darkened sky, Havillah's form slowly descended to the ground and her feet touched the cobbled street near the stupefied soldier. She moved towards him, her dark robes now a shiny black and gold and frowned at his bewildered expression.

"What are you?" he croaked out.