

Calla Barrageway was a soldier. Much more fierce and furious like a mother bear robbed off of her cubs and it was so for she felt like she had been slighted. How long had she known that man? And had he ever gazed at her with the same adoring eyes that he now flashed her? Following her around like a lost puppy and for what? A total stranger. An unknown and a clear source of danger for all that lived on this side east of the big mountain.

He said that she saved his life, but she was the one who found him. Did she save him and then left him floating by a buoy? His life? The woman scoffed. There were no injuries on his body. sure his suit had been damaged but apart from a few scratches that explained the blood on his clothes, Killion had seemed completely healthy. So what were those two going on about? she huffed pacing the bridge like a wild look in her eyes.

"Why do you look upset?" a voice said from behind and she turned to glare at the young sergeant Connors.

"I am NOT upset!"

"And that is the understatement of the century. In other words, when are you never upset?" Gabriel Connors responded with a smirk even as the female Sergeant attempted to glare him down with an irritated glower. It did not work.

"Arggh! Will you two just quit it? What I am feeling is really none of your concern!" Calla Barrageway retorted, short of stamping her feet in frustration.

"But I am telling you, I was there and I saw it. The girl exploded into a ball of light and all the dragons flew away."

"Oh please! Captain, we've already tried that countless times before and it has never worked!" Sergeant Barrageway riposted, this time directing her sentiments towards the Captain who was calmly seated on his seat inside the bridge. His hands were folded below his chin, with a bored expression on his visage even as he contemplated his two fighting officers and the surprise guest that was now lodging in his cabin just a few metres below deck.

"I am telling you that it worked this time!" Connors yelled and took a step forward ready to confront the annoying Sergeant.

"Back down Connors, you too Barrageway." The Captain finally spoke up before dropping his hands from beneath his chin. "I am going to speak with Havillah and after that I will see how we can better handle this situation." He told his two officers.

Calla Barrageway rolled her eyes at that and shook her head in disgust before turning away in a huff. Behind her Gabriel Connors smirked at her back, happy to receive his Captain's sentiments as a prove of his personal victory over the girl.

"So you believe me right? I swear this is not me being a cuckoo." Killion, smiling at Connors' phrase. With a heavy sigh he stood up and reached out to grip the younger man's shoulder with his right hand.

"I believe you. I know Havillah, or at least I think I do and if she's capable of flying that sailingboat of yours, I don't doubt that she can also do what you said that she did. Right now..." the Captain trailed off just as a cabin boy flew into the room and stopped some few paces before them. "...I need to attend to this."

"Captain! A message!" The boy rasped out as he seemingly struggled to catch his breath. "The Lady... Havillah is awake and she is asking for you."

That seemed to catch Calla Barrageway's attention and she turned to regard the trio with a renewed interest. "Captain," she called out, but he was already speaking to the boy.

"Thank you Randon." He said before turning his officers. "Barrageway, Connors you're both dismissed." Killion told them as he began to walk out.

"Killion?" Calla called out after him and the Captain stopped in his tracks and turned to face her.

"Calla... I do not have time for this. I have a guest and I do not want to keep her waiting." with that, he turned back around before continuing his walk out of the bridge.

"But Killion..." Calla tried again, but this time the Captain ignored her and increased his pace as he headed down towards his cabin. Annoyed at this, at being ignored, Calla Barrageway clenched her fists in anger and attempted to follow after him, but Connors jumped in her way and held her back with a warning on his eyes.

"Sergeant!" The female Sergeant ignored him and tried to follow again, but Connors grip on her hand tightened even as he began to pull her to the opposite direction.

"You forget your place Sergeant. You two may have grown up together, but he is now the Captain and you need to always remember that." Calla glared at him but the young man remained steadfast. "It doesn't matter what deal exists between you two. you will only push him away if you continue to persist." The woman growled as she wrenched off her arm from his tight grip before stomping off in another direction leaving the young officer with a deep frown etched on his face.