Like A Brother.

"Where are we going?" Havillah finally turned to the Captain to inquire of their surroundings. Her eyes were still a wondrous, but with a cautious glint in them that spoke of her apprehension even as she took in the new sites and the new way of life that was happening before her very eyes.

"This is the market square. I took you through the long way round that is normally taken by vehicles." Even as he said so, Havillah noticed the wheels on the horse drawn carts, the two wheel and three wheel contraptions and most of all the four wheel contraptions that came in various sizes and with engines that roared so loudly even as they emitted dark cloudy fumes into the air around them. " This road leads to the Western District of Bethesda, we could have taken the cobbled pathways through the central District, but why bother when there is not match to see there."

"What about the mansions?"

"Sure, but they are derelict hence all you will find there is wild life. Birds, cats and even a few stray dogs. What is interesting though, is the people and the market bustling with all the traders that are peddling their goods. You may even catch an entertainer enroute to the ports..."

"From what you say it seems like people watching is a favourite pass time?" Havilalh smiled.

"Guilty as charged. You can catch a lot of things from just observing, especially if the people you are watching are obvious to it. People do a lot of crazy things when they think no one is watching."

"Only that, there is always someone watching."

Killion shrugged his shoulders not sure if the girl was referring to him or something else totally different.

"Anyway, this road leads to the Western District. My family has a little cottage there."

Havillah nodded and continued to follow after down the lane asking questions whenever she saw it fit. Eventually, they made it to the Western District and Killion stopped before a two storey cottage that looked like it had been plucked out of the story books that Havillah had read as a child. The sandstone cottage with a lighter coloured roof, the colour of straw was surrounded by a white picket fence and all around it were all manner of flowers. Climbing ivy, lianas and manner of beautiful climbing plants covered its walls. A curved wooden door, half glass and half wood stood at the top of the steps at the end of the driveway with moderately sized windows jutting on ocassion from behind the wall of stony and flora.

Several vegetable patches covered the entire front yard garden and in one of them, a short portly woman with a mop of once black but now greying hair stood over it. The woman in her lime green dress and an apron, yellow gardening gloves and mudboots, seemed to be rather in her early eighties and not the late eighties that Killion had mentioned. Unaware of their presence, the woman bent over again and continued gardening, humming to a tune even as she continued to pluck up the weeds.

"Grandmother," Killion called out just as they reached the small gate that was the only thing between them and they growing front yard beyond.

"Killion?" The old lady turned with a smile. She quickly padded over to Killion and threw a weight upon him and Havillah could only smile at the display of affection, even as the both hugged it out on the brown cobbled walkway. "You've brought a guest?" Her eyes widenned even as she took in Havillah's form and the clothing on her back.

"Nana, this is Havillah." Killion told her and her eyes further widened in surprise.

"Havillah! The one and only Havillah?" The old lady's smile could not possibly grow wider, but in that moment it did. Havillah squirmed unused to all the attention she was getting and in retaliation, she hid herself behind the bulk of the young Captain.

"Why does she say that like she knows me?" she whispered and Killion could onlu laugh in response.

"Because she does, my dear Havillah. How could I not tell her of the girl who happened to save my life."

"Mmh!" The girl scowled back at him.

"What? I didn't tell her what you are!" he gave her an incredulous look.

"What I am?" she questioned in confusion.

"Not human." he laughed

"And I thought that having a bigger brother would be better." she huffed mumbling irritably to herself. In the heat of their conversation, the girl had forgotten to observe the old lady and the woman in question had crept up to her and surprised her.

"Is he harassing you? Tell me and I'll pinch off those little ears for you." Killion's grandmother removed a gardening glove in order to shake Havillah's hand in greeting. "He used to be like that with little Calla all the time and I believe that that is always a sign that a man likes you." Havillah's jaw dropped to the ground even as Killion continued blushing quite furiously beside her. "You're surprised." The old lady continued undeterred. "Why wouldn't he like you when you are all so pretty?"

"Ma'am. I assure you you're mistaken. Killion is like a brother to me." Havillah finally found her voice only to stutter out much too quickly.

"Oh, is he now?" The Captain and the girl both nodded. "What a shame...?" The old lady turned around and began to hobble towards the house still mumbling to herself. "What are you two waiting for?" She yelled back "Or have you changed your minds about all that matter?"

"No!" They both answered in unison and scrambled after the woman.