Moving On.

Moving On.

Havillah dropped down at the edge of the inner circle in order to better inspect the carnage there. Killion had said something about a barrier but for the life of her, Havillah could not comprehend what he had been talking about as there was nothing there now. Nothing visible that is. However there seemed to be an invisible line where the metallic insects had been unable to cross and those that had manage to get in somehow, their bodies though metallic in nature an thickly armoured had been sectioned off as if they were made of butter.

This was no terror, she mused even as sh kicked off a dark green head with glassy eyes that had been off by some grey material. If she looked closely,she could see nuts and screws and even hinges where the real terrors had been living things. That is, speaking from her own experience with the dragon that had once accosted her. She had not yet seen anymore terrors, that is apart from the dragon horde but she could tell that this things before her was the work of man and some one had sent them here, probably to finish her off and if she chanced a guess here and there, Havillah was almost sure that she could tell who it was that wanted her dead.

She wasn't fully sure though and there were many secrets that even she as the apprentice of the Appriser wasn't privy to. These creatures for example, had the voice not mentioned it to her, she would have gone on suspecting that their origins were anywhere else but Triberias.

Havillah placed down the head that she had taken up in her hands and walked forward to her own house. She looked around at the other elev n forming a ring around the temple and shook her head. Not today, she told herself. She would explore them later, that is if they allowed her in just as her new home had.

The girl walked over to the seal and grazed it. The doors swung open then shut as she walked in and down the corridor with portraits that were now quite familiar to her. She don't know who they were but their faces and familiar features were now deeply etched into her memory. If she were to meet them, she was sure Havillah would recognise every one without blinking an eye. That is, if the people depicted therein were still alive.

"What now? what next?" Havillah sighed as she dropped herself into a chaise lounge, propping her back onto its purple and golden backrest accentuated with small crimson pillows. She was in her living room, or rather a parlor that was connected to her own bedroom that she had resulted to resting in instead of the two huge parlours in the floors below. 

"You move on?" The voice said suddenly, startling Havillah that she sat up with a start.

"Wait, what? Move on? How comes? But I just got here?" She protested.

"I agree that that is true and that this place seems like a good base of operation, but you cannot remain here forever, cooped up in here for the rest of your life. Others need your help too." Contrary to what she was used to, the voice said in a manner that proved that it could also be patient, but even then that did not help the feeling of helpless and the anxiety that was seeping in in waves.


"Towns like Bethesda of course. The dragons may have left, but there are other terrors and other towns that need your help. Plus, it is your duty as a Great to serve and to protect others and that will require you to operate in other Priestdoms as well."

"Alone?" she gawked back at the open space that was before her, before shaking her head in disbelief. "And just when I was beginning to get comfortable." She complained.

"You have to keep moving, I cannot really explain why right now, but I know hopefully, you will get it with time. As for being alone, that is hardly true and you know it." It explained in the firm voice that was reticent to it and it alone.

"Yea..." She gave in with a long sigh of defeat. "I guess you are right about all  that. I have nothing left here, that is apart from this house. All my new connections..." She trailed off shaking away the thought to prevent herself from crying at the emotions that it seemed to bring in. "Anyway, I guess I might as well do as you say. It is not like I really I have a choice on that matter now, do I?" she gave another  sigh of defeat, laying back on the chaise as she continued to deliberate on the matter.

"I am surprised at you." the voice conjectured.

"You, surprised? Why because you thought I would continue to fight you on this matter?"


"I am tempted to say that you clearly don't know me, but then again I have no idea, do I?" she snapped, clearly depressed by the idea that th voice seemed to know alot about her when she next to nothing about the force that was continuously pushing her around. Now, it was leading her to leave to her only home and for what? An unknown? That notion did sit very well well with her but she also knew that if it wanted it could very well strip her of all her choices. A month hardly gone by and a lot was already happening. She had already been plucked out of two homes, with this being the third one and was plagued by an entity whose sole purpose in life was to make sure that she did not get comfortable.

"I know enough. Like lately you have been letting your pain and bitterness cloud your judgements? It is understandable could nsidering what you have been thtough, but I warn you, if not checked those two things can change somehow. They can make you into a different person and I am afraid that that may not always be for the best."

"Well forgive me for being bitter, but I also happened to lose everything and everyone I know and somehow, I feel like all this is your fault."

"And now you are embracing this..."

"And what choice doI have? If I don't do as you say, who is to say that you won't push me around like you did before?"

"Of course you always have a choice, but if you are to remain as the person that you are now, the person who is compassionate, who stands for what is right and saves a total stranger even though he is human, then the suggestions that I am giving you will be the path to follow."

"Fine. What else can I do? I might as well travel and discover the land and if possible endanger my life to please you as well." With that, Havillah stood up and walked away.