Part II

Book 2: The Mark of The Chosen.

Oracle of the Last Ancient.

100 years BA,

The 27th year of the reign of the Last King.

Great Captain's,

Servants of winds and fire.

Festal heralds,

The Chosen might serve.

Of Voice unheard and Eye unseen,

Guide to a path of hope alight.

True Light be found,

In one that is chosen,

At tunnel's end,

Extend their ken.

Wraiths consumed,

The shadows no longer reign.

Of malice intend,

No no longer can feign.

In the glow of dawn,

On the canvas of Light.

The Hope shall shine,

Where no one has dwelt.

The journey begin

Where Conclave met.

The compass we pin,

Together shall knit.

This is the song,

The voice of the strong,

The chant of the children,

No longer forsaken.

This is the match,

Of warriors astride.

To ends they reach,

Our heritage abide.