

The terrors appeared like black smoke, concentrated in one place and compelled to take a form, in this case the form of a wolf or a very large dog with dripping canines. Lost in her own thoughts, Havillah did not seem to notice the lone wolf that was slowly scaled up the tree. Not until it was right at her feet and snapping and suddenly she found herself scrambling up to the top most branches...but this tree was low. Too low infact and its branches so weak that they swayed under her weight.

To fly in this cover of darkness? She considered her options, looking up before gazing back down at the smoky wraith that were drifting up towards her. Her mind registered the horror and in a moment's notice, Havillah's form was hurtling upwards towards the sky, shrieking away as the wolves pursued her leaving behind a trail blackened smoke from the apparitiond that would not leave her tail. Too soon she found herself colliding into a rocky mountain side, palms slamming on cold hard rugged rock that tore apart the soft caramel of her skin, grazing it even as it impacted upon the sharpened edges of naturally hewned rock. A soft cry emanated her lips. A cry of pain even as her frustrations grew tenfold with every step that the shadow wolves took towards her.

"What do I do now?" She whimpered, cursing her guide for once again abandoning her, leaving her when she truly needed him. Was he faulty? she managed a smile despite her perilous position. Havillah chanced another look upwards and away from the prowling predators, grimacing at the darkened sky now covered by mists and a fog so thick that it stung her.

Of course, he would abandon her. Everyone had abandoned her and now l, she was all alone...alone and doomed to die. She would either plummet down from the steep mountain side, her bones broken into a thousand pieces or get eaten, torn apart by the wraithlike feral looking wolves. Either way, no one would miss her. No one knew that she was here. Havillah sniffed as her mind went back to Killion and her the latest connection. One that she had made and destroyed in the blink of an eye. Would he miss her? Had he missed her already? She shook aside the dark thoughts only to be assaulted by a fresh onslaught of disparaging words. An onslaught of dark memories that contained her mother and the family that had left her behind .

A father who did not accept her. A mother who had abandoned her in the Elder's hands. She had left her when she had needed her the most and when she had needed her vote, her mother had chosen to forgo her duty as a council member of the Great and left her in the hands of those dogs. Had her disappointment in her been that great? Havillah sniffed away the memory and continued to crawl up, her back pressed against the rock as her eyes remained fixated on the sets of yellows and obsidian spikes that were snarling at her.

To take flight or not, the girl debated her browns eyeing the fog with a growing concern,a look of worry etched in the very depths of her brown eyes. It was risky feat to fly blind. One that had been hammered countless times in the list of things not to do, but even more risky was the idea of staying. Staying in one place to face a mortal enemy. One that had no form and that seemed to be enjoying stalking her. Almost as if they were toying with her for the very sake of doing do, their sulphur breathes tickling her, irritating her senses to no end and with a sinking dread Havillah realised that she was slowly losing her focus, her vision becoming marking.

"No!" She shook away the fogginess and darted upwards, lunging into the unknown heights that lay above her with a trail of black angry shadows racing at her back.

"No!" She shouted again. This time refusing to accept her fate, her fate at the mercy of these new terrors. Almost unbidden a brilliant light escaped from her lips with that single word, shooting on forward and as she plunged into it, it seemed to grow in size covering her entire form in an ethereal glow whose light continued grow and glow. Unaware of what was happening around her, Havillah hurtled through the fog, a streak of blue and white light piercing into an  unnaturally cold and dark sky. As she rose up higher the strong gales around her threatened to unfurl her even as icy strands continued to grip, pulling at her wrists and ankles in order to weigh her down.

"Enough!" She roared flinging her hands out to cut off the icy chords that were quickly weakening and just like that, like thin spidery webs the frozen chords broke apart releasing the fog in a burst of blue light.

Slowly, the heavens opened up and the stars twinkled again, bathing the valley below with their shimmering lights. A soft breeze stirred causing the drying grass blades to softly graze over the exposed parts of Havillah's skin tickling her. Havillah sat up and looked around. It was all the same. The trees, the grass and even the lights of the fireflies dancing in the trees.

Was it a dream? It had felt all to real to be just been a dream. However, she was still lying on the ground beneath the tree, a head laid down on the lumpy knapsack that was still acting as a pillow. Just a dream, she reassured herself even as she closed her eyes and drifted off to slumber again.