Chapter 25 Returning to the Village

The pain finally fades away and I fall to the ground exhausted from all the pain. Bolggor and Kuro have panicked looks on their face but keep their distance from me. I thought to myself that I want this armor off of me and pain once again shoots all over my body but the armor pulls back into my skin and I am left in my usual and simple clothes with nothing in my hands at all. That hurt less, and with a thought again I think about armoring back up. The armor reappears on my body and my sword and shield are again back in my hands. I retract the armor again and smile at them both. The pain gets less with each thought it seems.

"Are you ok?" Bolggor asks concerned.

I nodded my head and smiled at them both.

"What the hell just happened?" Kuro asked shocked.

"Well when I took off my noble armor it activated the cursed armor apparently. It attached and dug into my skin. I am now wearing it but yet not wearing it. With a thought I can bring the armor out and have it protect me but at the cost of pain as it is literally coming out of my skin. The good news is that it is not taking space in my inventory." I replied trying to get up off the ground.

Bolggor walked over and offered me his hand and helped me up off the ground. Glancing around I realized that everyone around us has fled so it is just the 3 of us again.

"Horrible timing for the armor to do that but it seems it benefited us as well. They freaked out when the armor attached to you and ran off" Kuro said with a smirk.

"Now we need to sit down and talk about the chalice and everything that has happened. Also payment is still due and we need to go turn in the quest for the quest rewards." Bolggor spoke up.

"Yes, I remember you get 9 gold total, 5 for the reward of the quest and 4 from me for escorting and protecting us. Also you already got your share of the loot unless you want more." I replied.

I can not believe that I actually forgot that Bolggor was a businessman and was doing a job. I thought of him as a friend and trusted him with more then the hired help. Same with Kuro, he had a purpose for the quest and tagged along.

"Hey wait a second, I see that look on your face. Listen you are a friend to me. Yes you started out as just a job but during this quest you became so much more then just an employer. Now before we leave let us talk about what is going on." Bolggor replied hurriedly.

"She is back but not awakened yet, our long lost Empress is back. This time though she goes by a new name and knows little of our world." The kappa replied. "My master is amazing and I will serve her for life. Hehehe"

We all jumped and was startled when he came out of no where.

Giggling the Kappa repeated what he said before, "Skin jet black with colors like rainbows caught in oil, deep red eyes that glow when upset, Skin that becomes crystal clear and shines like a prism on everything around it, Wisdom to see through the strongest of illusion, Kindness to span an entire world of friendliness, Love for all like they are her children, Strong and able to wield black flame like the fabled stories of wizards, She who was lost to us when we turned our backs on her ideals, forever we await her return with baited breath, all her subjects both creature and human will bow and swear to serve our long lost Empress. Please Master give me my name so I may be summoned."

Shocked Kuro looked at me, "Skin jet black that shines with rainbows... That describes your skin tone Shi. When you got upset before we entered the waterfall you looked crystal clear and prism like. You could see through the illusion in the lake. You are sweet, kind and friendly. Your flames are black. Ok it's not just me that sees the prophecy could be completed by Shi... right?"

"I am NOT the Empress. I am just Shi, a Dragonborn person who just wants to live hidden away and have a peaceful life who hopes I don't get a shitty role in this life. " I said with feeling.

"Shi, it is all possible that you are the Empress we are hoping to find. You got a rare chalice in your WELCOME package, noble armor that hides your race too. You found the Empress' ring and an enslavement signet when no one else could see it. You have kick butt armor you can summon with a thought AND you are the right coloring for the Empress as well. You care and are friendly. The first person I have helped that I would help again in pure friendship and loyalty. You befriended the Kappa, Kuro and I without issues as well. If you end up being the Empress I will stand by your side and be proud to serve you." Bolggor replied back.

Walking over to the kappa I leaned down and whispered, "Kappa your name will be Kenzo, it means wise one, I hope you enjoy the name. Feel free to follow me around whenever. I do not know what my role will be yet and do not know where I will be going yet but to have you by my side would be the biggest honor. To have a friend by me through it all means the world to me and yes I view you as a friend."

Then I turned and started to head back to the village. My thoughts were a mess. I glanced at my inventory where I stored my noble armor. Reading the description showed that if I put it back on then I could take it off whenever I wanted to without a time limit now. Also speaking of time limit I only have 4 hours before I am granted a role.

*User please log off in the next 6 hours to recharge your gear currently at 30% power*

"Let's go, I need to charge my gear soon and I only have 4 hours before I get teleported away with my role." I speak up.

It takes us an hour to get back to the village. Kuro takes us to the side of the auction hall where we can turn in the quest.

***Quest completed 5 gold to each of you has been granted. Please decide how to split the EXP within the next 20mins***

"The EXP is all yours Shi. You will want to use it. I don't need it for my role so far. Bolggor doesn't want it as well." Kuro replied and then left the party after sending me a friend request.

Bolggor nodded his head and sent me a friend request and a trade request. I accepted both and put the 4 gold in the trade window. The gold was sent and then he left my party as well but didnt leave the area like Kuro did.

First name: Marie

In Game name: Shi

Age: 16 Gender: Female

Location: Beginner's town

Level: 1 Exp: 700/1000

Status: new

Role: granted in 2hours 34mins

"I accept the full EXP." I stated to the reward giver.

***Chime, 1500 EXP granted. You have leveled up!!! Chime ***

First name: Marie

In Game name: Shi

Age: 16 Gender: Female

Location: Beginner's town

Level: 2 Exp: 1200/3000

Status: new

Role: granted in 2hours 32mins

You have leveled and gained level 2 flames, +30 HP and + 80 MP. Please pick a level 2 skill:

1. Light heal

2. Bow mastery

3. Wind control

4. Charisma boost

"I pick 1. Light heal"

***Chime Light Heal granted Please check your skill for more information about it***

Name: Shi

Level: 2

Exp: 1200/3000


Flames level 2

Light heal level 1

Status: New

Role: Granted in 2 hours 18mins

I decided to head back to the inn and take a break for the next few hours as I am exhausted from that quest. It takes me 10mins to get to the inn and then another 5mins moving past people to get to my room. I lay down in my bed and decide to nap until my role arrives and then I will log out and recharge my gear for a full night and come back to take part in my role whatever it is tomorrow. Laying on the bed I close my eyes and fade off into sleep.

*Knock* *Knock* *KNOCK*

Bleary eyed I open my eyes and stumble to the door. Opening the door, I see a messenger there in noble clothes and fear courses through me. What if they make me the Empress as my role? That causes me pure terror and I wake the rest of the way up instantly.

"Greetings Shi I come with your role please open it in the next 30mins and prepare yourself for transport." The messenger says as he holds out the scroll to me.

Slowly I reach out and take the scroll from him. As soon as I have it fully, he disappears from my sight. He teleported right there and then from my door.

*** User please log out and charge your gear. Your gear is critically low less then 10% remaining power***

Shrugging I go back in my room and sit on my bed. I open the menu and select the logging out feature. a warning pops up saying I must open the scroll before I can log out, so I look at the scroll and open it. Before I can read it though I am emergency logged out of the game.

***Emergency low power log off***

I wake up and take off my headset. Sam was sitting there with puffy red eyes and was trying to focus on his book but I could tell that he wasn't reading a single thing on that page. He was too upset about something.

"Sam, are you ok?" I croaked out and tried to clear my throat.

Sam jumped up and his chair fell to the floor with a crash. He turned and brought me a glass of water he had ready for me so I could take a drink.

"Thanks Sam but now answer my question. Are you ok?" I asked with a normal voice now that I had a drink of water.

I am waiting for Sam to reply and as I wait I start taking off all my gear and out it on the battery powered chargers. He remains silent even after I have everything hooked up and I turne back around to really look at him. His eyes show he has been crying a lot, his lack of reaponse says that he is NOT ok.

I reach over and grab him into a hug and hold him. He remains stiff for a few minutes and then breaks down and grabs my shirt, leans down and then starts crying into my shoulder. I hold him for about 15mins before he calms down and stops crying. His sniffles are quite loud next to my ear.