Chapter 32 The Talk and Job

I was shocked to hear those words from Sam. Never did I know what he had done for me that changed the towns treatment of me so much. I knew I was hated for the longest time and then they started accepting me and befriending me and I made this town my home. Thinking about what was said. Could I make us a trio? I do not see why not. The question is who my actual husband would be. I do not want to undo what Sam has done for me, but I also do not want to lose the chance of having kids. If I married Josh, the whole town would feel the effects. He is a few years older as well which could get him in trouble if he was seen as trying to take advantage of me and possibly lead to him getting stoned. Well, it looks like I will need to talk to them both as I think I now have my answer to the issue.

Waiting to see if anything else would be said before I continued up the stairs.

"Josh, I do NOT want to share you with anyone. This is why it is so upsetting for me. You are mine and to know that you like another breaks my heart. Am I not enough for you? Do I need to do something more for you? I can and will do anything for you. I will come out to the world for you if that is what it takes." Sam said with the sound of tears in his voice.

"Sam, Sam, Sam, you are enough for me. I will shut down the feelings for Marie, ok?" Josh said with concern and a sigh.

"Wait a sec, you said feelings for Marie. I didn't know it was for her. That changes everything. We are cool, in fact we are great." Sam said coming to his senses.

"Wait, what? You just said a trio and everything. You didn't realize that I was also in love with Marie? Who were you thinking then? I am so confused." Josh said stumbling over his words.

"I do not know what I was thinking or saying but I thought you wanted to marry Marie so another and I could be a trio. It would screw everything up fully. But if it is Marie, you love then we both love her. A trio would work for you, Marie and me. I still should be the one to marry her though for the same reasons as before. You be the bodyguard and if Marie is ok with it we both come to her bed with her. This might actually work. Please Josh ignore my foolishness from before. I was being an idiot." Sam said with a smacking sound I was quite familiar with.

I heard a chair slide a touch and a gasp. Yeah I need to get back up there now. Before I walked in on both lacking clothes. Hurrying up the stairs, I made sure my footsteps could be heard. The moment I stepped into the room both jumped a part and josh turned slightly away as Sam put his hand behind his back. Rolling my eyes I just smirked.

"You two are so obvious right now, do what you want. I would like to set up my vs stuff though and go back into the game to find out my role for the rest of my life. Please dont get too loud and at least close and lock the door beforehand. It is not like I will care while I am in the VR world. Just please focus on making sure I am not bothered." I said with a slight giggle.

"Actually, we were." Josh threw his hand over Sam's mouth so he couldn't say anything more.

Laughing again, "Josh let Sam speak, I already know what he was going to say to me. I could hear you down the stairs. You were not being quiet during your discussion. Luckly it was just me there so no one knows your secrets. Also, yes and no."

Both went beat red and shocked. Sam moved Josh's hand away from his mouth and sucked on his finger causing a shudder to consume Josh. I just shook my head at them both.

"You know I prepared myself for your lovey dovey stuff a while ago right? This isn't shocking to me." I said with a sigh.

"So, you know that we both love you then. You also know we are fighting over who will be your husband and who will be your staff. Which do you want as your husband? Which do you care for more and which is fine being staff to you?" Sam asked with a challenge.

Josh and I both looked shocked at Sam.

"I never expected you to make this a kind of competition Sam. You would make a great cook or butler and also a husband Sam, but you are not attracted to me that way to give me kids. Josh talked about kids in my future, which would be in his favor to be my husband, but he would also make a great bodyguard. So, both of you are right to be staff and husband material. If you want to know who is better? NEITHER or you are better. Josh can not cook that well like you can so maybe I will just make you both staff and leave it at that. Think things over carefully, I could allow this to be a challenge and say the one who makes me happiest is my husband, but I am not ready for that sort of thing. I will say that I have loved you for years Sam. There was a time that I dreamed about us being a family and having kids, but then I realized that you preferred men and I grew up. Josh is a new unknown and I can not say that I love him, but I also can say that I could see a future with him as my husband. I would be the woman who made a man come to his senses and marry a proper wife. So, both have potential, if you make this a competition though, I will refuse both and look elsewhere and only allow you BOTH to be staff." I said firmly and with a touch of venom.

Both men moved away from me a touch and stared at me. I could tell that neither expected me to say those sorts of things to them. If I was being honest with myself though, both men made me drool and I would be the happiest woman alive to have them both in my bed together or one on one with me. I can't show them that though as I don't want bad blood between them, and their happiness matters greatly to me. They are an amazing couple, and I knew I would take Sam as my husband for the town's sake, but I would have to make it VERY clear that Josh is not second best. This is going to be a rough situation if it is not handled properly.

Looking around I found a bedroom but glancing at them both made me wonder if I shouldn't just use the couch and give them the bedroom. Then again, they couldn't protect me if I was out here and they were in the bedroom. I walked into the bedroom anyways and changed my torn clothes and got in my VR set up. Cindy even remembered my battery pack so I could charge my VR stuff.

"Hey guys, I am going to go into the VR game world now and find out what my job and life in the game will be. Please do keep an eye on me and make sure I stay safe. I am in the bedroom as you know. Remember the red button in here on the set up, if the wolves come in or anything get your butts in here and hit the button and make sure I am not eaten. ok?" I called out front.

All I got was silence as a reply.

"Josh? Sam? Hello?"

Still no reply. It started making me worried now. My vision wavered and my world went black. I was looking around and I couldn't see anything. I tried to take a step but I couldn't take the step. I tried lifting my arm and it would not move either. All I could do was move my head, so from the neck up my body moved willingly. The only other movement was obviously my breathing and heart or I would be dead right now. Wait a sec I didn't just die did I?

"Hello!!! HELLO!!! Anyone there? SAM? JOSH? ANYONE!!!" I yelled as loud as I could to the point my voice cracked a bit from the shear terror.

No replies or return noise at all. I wished I could sit down and curl up into a ball rather being frozen in place but I was not moving at all.

Meanwhile, I had just gotten on my VR gear but had not lowered my headset.

"Sam, we need to come up with a solution to our problem before we both lose our chance at the life we both want. I would be the best husband as I know that I could give her kids. Can you say the same?" Josh asked.

"Honestly, even though I love her a lot, no she just does not do it for me. I mean if I think about it that way it just feels weird to me and that's it, no reaction at all as you can see. But, if I think about you, then I can get a reaction. If you marry her, she will be the one who finally made you go straight. That will be what the town will say about her but what they will say about me though, is that I lost the woman I loved to the gay man turned straight. The teasing I will get will be pretty bad. Just think of the comments I will get then. Things like you waited too long to make your feelings known to her and the pity I will get. I won't want to be in this town anymore then. But if we maintain the status quo and I marry her, and you play bodyguard it would work out in both of our favors. You having the entire town know you are gay will look like the best idea to be her bodyguard as you don't swing that way. I would not get questions asking how I am ok having a guy be her bodyguard while she is helpless. You will get those question if I ended up being the bodyguard and you were her husband though. So, think about this carefully and with logic please." Sam said to Josh.

I loud noise was heard from the bedroom. A mumble was heard shortly afterwards so Josh looked at Sam and shrugged. "Marie? You ok in there? I know you were going to go in the VR game world but I didn't like that sound. Marie? Hello? Listen I know you are not happy with us right now but please let me know you can hear me. Ok, I dont want to look in without your reply but you are about to give me no choice. If you are changing, I am sorry for this but the silence treatment will not prevent me from looking in on you." Josh said as he walked closer to the door. "Also I will take the bodyguard job and leave Sam the husband role. It would be better for him to marry you and we be a trio. Will you allow me time with you to though even if I am not your husband? Marie?"