Chapter 35 Sebastian Bound

"You now know what happens to him if he displeases you at all. I see you also figured out how to stop his pain as well. Your touch is needed to stop the searing pain that travels down his body. He will never die for that pain but would be tortured until you touch him to end his pain. He is yours forever and will never be free. The abomination is forever your slave." The voice said again.

"That is horrible, I am so sorry Sebastian. I never wanted you to be in pain like that. Also, what were those images?" I said with feeling.

Sebastian flinched when I said something about those images. "Empress... Master... What do I call you in private, public and in the royal court? Also, those images were of your past life. Me serving you loyally and with love. You are the best thing that ever happened to me. I thank you for my continued existence."