Chapter 41 The Meal

"My dear relax please, she is here to bond with him and to help us make him a better person. I bought her so we can use her to make him behave and knock this unruly behavior out of him before I beat him and cause permanent harm to him. Also, this is Shi, NOT the Empress. Although she really does look like her. It is almost scary how close they resemble each other. Do not tell Henry that though. We shall see what he thinks and how he acts when he gets here." Leon replied.

After about 5 mins Henry finally came into the great hall. He was looking like he was about to attend court as he was al decked out in very nice clothes and he even had a maid announce his entrance. I almost burst out laughing but managed to hold myself back so I simple smirk which I turned into a smile. He came and sat at his spot at the table which was directly across the table from me.