Chapter 107 Relax into the Passion

So, now you know what is going on and why I am talking to you. What do you think about these dreams? They are all similar and have many things in common. Also, if you can help with these somehow it would be amazing. If I am just wasting my breath, please let me know. I have not told my husband about these dreams yet as I know it will worry him. The last time I had dreams like this was right after I married him and what I saw ended up being real and we had to give up our land to save ourselves from that plague of a situation. Please do NOT tell Leon or Henry about these. In fact just forget that I told you all together. Please have fun in the music class or go and rest. You look like you are struggling to stand here right now. So, I order you to get some food and then go and rest." Lady Kim explained and ordered.