Chapter 113 The Throne Room

Sebastian stood up and gave me a look. I could tell he was puzzled by my order but then it clicked in his head. He bowed and then headed out of the room by way of the Royal entrance and exit. As he left people started to come towards me. Nate quickly stood up in front of me ready to guard from them all. Bolggor walked over to me and gave a short bow. I just shook my head with an eye roll, and he then took position to protect me as well. The nobles who saw Bolggor become a bodyguard then proceeded to stay back for now. They were confused as this was the nicest courtroom the palace had ever seen. Yes, a lot of the furniture was destroyed now but that was easily replaceable within a few moments notice by servants.

I step away from everyone and walked over to the only chair that was not destroyed in the room and sit down. When I did I noticed a lot of people relaxing.