Break A Leg

Chen Ming was weeping so inconsolably so much so the patrol team eventually decided that he couldn't have been a viable suspect but a regular teenager. Compared to him, Qin Feng, who had managed to kill ten armed men was the abnormal one!

Cheng Ming, who had just blatantly lied to the patrol team was still on edge; he kept having this feeling as if something was going to happen. Unfortunately, as he was worried about what the future would bring, he did not know was that danger was just around the corner!

He entered an alley, lost in thoughts, considering any possible problems that might arise and how to overcome each and every one of them. His brain whirred about all kinds of scenarios, making sure to be thorough in case of any slip-up. 

Suddenly, everything went dark!

It was pitch black. It was the kind of darkness that displayed the complete absence of light. It was so disorientating to the point his five senses seemed to have disappeared.