Exterminate Viper

"Repulsion!" The Asteroid Assimilation skill exploded, and its massive force enveloped the car, sending it flying back the direction it came from!

Viper clearly did not expect Qin Feng to be able to block the attack, much less return his attack. Powerless against the incoming vehicle, getting hit by the car would result in many, many broken bones. 

Viper quickly got up to dodge the incoming car.


The car landed on the road and exploded into a giant fireball!

Qin Feng's inner force protected him, and his feet landed gingerly on the ground.

Viper glared at him, taking a good look. When he saw how young his opponent was, the ferocious expression reappeared on his face.

"A fucking greenhorn! I'll kill you first!" He was outraged that a young-ass kid with no ability user medal dared to provoke him! The boy had it coming.

Viper stormed towards Qin Feng, first raised and ready to strike a heavy blow.
