The Imperious Gunslinging Teacher

Qin Feng ate a bit of dried meat stored in Xiao Bai's space at noon, then he continued searching for more information. This time, he was looking up for information on the runes of other departments.

Especially fire runes. After all, Qin Feng himself also possessed mutant fire runes.

When he was so wrapped up in his reading, his communicator vibrated.

Qin Feng looked at it, and it was actually Zhao Yu who had just added him.

"Monitor, what's wrong?" Qin Feng asked casually.

"Qin Feng, why did you skip class again? The Gunslinging course teacher is checking your attendance. You have already skipped class twice, and our teacher is upset. Are you still in school? Hurry up and come to class!" There was also a bit of fear in her voice.

Qin Feng was silent for a moment, and he seemed to have thought of the scene where the class monitor was being berated because of a student like him.