Sky Burning Sword Art

The man looked at Qin Feng without a single hint of fear, and he even had a goading expression on.

He was thinking that Qin Feng was only a G-tier ability user.

Qin Feng put his dinner plate into Bai Li's hands, and suddenly reached his hand out toward the F-tier aptitude user. 

With a sneer on his face, the man raised his hand to stop it. "Boy, you think…" Before he could finish, the power on Qin Feng's fist suddenly surged forth and the man's arm instantly snapped with a cracking sound. The fist did not lose momentum and slammed hard into the man's cheek, taking all of his words and beating him back with them.


Several molars were sent flying out of the mouth with that punch.

Qin Feng striked again. This time it was a slap and the man's head shifted to one side, his entire cheek having changed shape.


One hit, and another row of teeth spattered out, along with foul blood, spat onto the ground.