Grimy Side of the End Times

The hail of bullets was nothing to a powerful ancient warrior.

Furthermore, Qin Feng was an ability user.

His consciousness was locked on to the bullets. They were not guided by a gunner's consciousness.

They were just an ordinary outpour of bullets that had no consciousness attached to them. What an utter waste.

But for Qin Feng, the act was similar to suicide.


He injected his consciousness into the bullets and controlled them remotely. The bullets turned around.


The bullets hit the shooters. A wail of agonizing pain came out from within.

But there were also sounds of people drawing their sword to block off the bullets.

Clang! Clang! Clang!

The speed of the bullets was not that fast. These people were able to shield themselves from the bullets. Their reflexes were pretty agile.

It was like how Qin Feng used to parry the bullets with his Verdant Emperor Saber when he fought with He Li.